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Lee McIntosh

Lee McIntosh is included in the Honour Roll as one of the many women who work in the field supporting young people to fulfil their lives.

Honour Roll

Lee lives and works in Frankston and has qualifications in early childhood development, counselling, staff training, business management and health and community services. She began work as the child care co-ordinator at the Peninsula Women's Refuge assisting the residents with parenting issues.

She moved from a volunteer with the Frankston City Council Family Support Service, to the Department of Human Services as a Parole Officer then Frankston City Council as an Outreach Worker. In 1989 she became a member of the Department of Human Services Health Prevention Unit specialising in HIV/Hepatitis issues for young people. From 1990-96 she was the Bayside HIV/AIDS program manager at the Frankston Community Health Centre and today she is the Youth and Family Services Manager at the Frankston City Council.

In addition, for the last few years, she has been a facilitator of the 'Young People and Substance Abuse Program' for the Victoria Police and for the Department of Human Services. She speaks regularly at community forums and gives her time freely, particularly to community groups interested in young people and community health issues.
