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Co-Designed Student Voice Resources for the Disability Inclusion Profile

[Freya – YDAS Co-designer]

Hi. I'm Freya, and I'm here to talk to you guys today about some resources we've co-designed with Youth Disability Advocacy Service and the Department of Education.

This booklet and communication cards are about helping you learn and prepare for your Disability Inclusion Profile meeting. The Profile meeting helps you get the supports you need in school and includes what you're good at, what you enjoy, and what helps you learn.

These meetings are about you, so it's important to have your voice heard. We hope that these resources can help you to participate and feel comfortable. 

[Ash – YDAS Programs Officer]

So my name's Ash. I use they/them pronouns and I am the YDAS Programs Officer. 

The project was the Disability Student Voice project. And what we did was create a resource to increase student voices in the Disability Inclusion Profile process.

[Freya – YDAS Co-designer]

The communication cards are to help you feel comfortable communicating in whatever way is best for you, which makes it easy in your Disability Inclusion Profile meeting. 

They are really helpful for those who might struggle to verbalise exactly what they need in the moment. So you can just show your card to the people around you and they'll help you out in that way and it makes things really easy because sometimes it's hard to speak up for yourselves, and we just want everyone to be able to participate the best they can and feel comfortable during these meetings.

The booklet that we've co-designed is a resource that will help you feel more comfortable and prepared coming into your Profile meeting and also give you prompts to help your teachers know what kind of things you enjoy doing and what the best ways of learning are for you. We all learn differently and it's there to help.

So throughout the process of designing these resources, we had a group of young disabled people come together and share what they thought would be the most helpful for them if they were in that situation and position to attend a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting. 

Talk to your teachers, talk to your parents, talk to your friends about what your needs are and how they can help you. It can really make a big difference as to your experience in school.

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Disability Inclusion, Education for All

Education State / Victoria State Government / Education logo

Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

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