Create a new page and add content

Hello and welcome to the Single Digital Presence Content Management System. In this video I’m going to show how to create a new content page within the CMS.

To login use a Chrome browser, visit, add in your username and password, and login. Once you login you’ll see a couple of different ways to add and manage content. You can go straight into add content Add content to add a new landing page, or head over to Content, Add content, Landing Page. Here you’ll see all of the different components, but today we’re going to go with the landing page. You’ll see Page as well, however, don’t use page as it’s limited in what you can add to it later on. For example, a right-hand side menu or some promotional cards.

We’re going to go landing page here. Now that I’ve selected a landing page, add a page title, this one is strongest for search optimisation. If you can keep that to 75 characters or less, I know mine is a little long. But it’s descriptive and says exactly what a user can do on the page.

The summary is the summary that feeds through to search engines. Again, make sure that uses key words and is descriptive. You can have a simpler introduction text for the page, this is obviously what sits under the heading 1, otherwise you can just keep that the same.  

If there are any key links that you’d like to add along side the heading 1 of the page, you can add them here. Also, you can add a feature image. Basically this is the promotional image for your page. If this page, Become a member of the Aboriginal Heritage Council, is featured on the homepage, it will pull through that particular feature image. Primary and secondary are included in the user guide, however I won’t go through this right now.

Page content, this is where all the action happens, where you add all your copy. You can also add different cards and navigation styles. Add component will allow you to add a different component to the body of your page. Basic text is what we’re going to use right now, however, just so you know, there’s a bunch of different components you can add to the page. There’s descriptive text and some imagery to assist you with your selection. But we’re going to go the basic text block. Also add in some body copy. I will also save my page before I style my content, because it can time out.  

Sidebar, basically turns on your right hand side menu, I’m going to turn that on.

I won’t worry about Related links, What’s next or Contact block for now.

I’m going to tag this page with Arts, culture and heritage.

And then I’ve got some things to fill out on the far-right-hand side. I’m from the Department of Premier and Cabinet and I’ll also tag this page to below to the Aboriginal Heritage Council and I’ll also select the front end design of this page to below to the Aboriginal Heritage Council, then hit save.

Now I’ll be able to go back into edit mode and style my content.  
