Key achievements

Entity level objectives

Outlined below are the key milestones in STC establishment

Objectives Indicators Timing

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Determination

Confirmation that STC is classified as a PNFC. July 2021

Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 (BIP Act)

Approvals – Loan Amount, Hedging Powers 2021-22

Treasurer approval for STC to enter into financial accommodation, financial arrangements and approval for the 2021-22 annual borrowing limit. September 2021
Capitalisation Approval Treasurer approval for the amount of initial equity capitalisation in STC for the purpose of the Act. September 2021
Central Package PPP Financial Close

Execution of:

  • Central Package PPP Project Documents
  • Upstream arrangements between the Government and STC
October 2021
Tabling of Tolling Agreement Tabled in both Houses of Parliament after execution as required under the Act. It was not revoked during the specified six sitting days period. November 2021
BIP Act Approvals – Loan Amount, Hedging Powers 2022-23 Treasurer approval for STC to enter into financial accommodation, financial arrangements and approval for the 2022-23 annual borrowing limit. June 2022
Standing Directions Compliance Exemption Assistant Treasurer approval for STC to exempt the Board of STC from the compliance and attestation requirements of Direction 5.1.4 of the Standing Directions under the Financial Management Act 1994 (FMA) to cover the period from 1 March 2021 to 30 June 2023. June 2022
