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Professor Lilian (Lily) Stojanovska

Professor Lily Stojanovska is a well regarded scientist and educator in women's health and wellbeing and a leader in the local Macedonian community.

Honour Roll

Born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1952, Lily arrived in Melbourne as a teenager with her family in 1969. She completed an undergraduate degree in Applied Science in Melbourne and Belgrade, then went on to achieve a Masters degree in Science at De Paul University, Chicago. She returned to Melbourne in 1985 to further her studies.

Lily Stojanovska's professional work has been in science and technology and she has held a number of medical research and lecturing positions in Melbourne, Yugoslavia and America. She is a leading educator in the area of public health, prevention of chronic diseases and the early detection and treatment of health disorders.

Parallel to her studies and paid work, she has been involved in community work on a voluntary basis. In the 1970s, she taught English to women in the Macedonian community and Macedonian to Australian-born teenagers. She then became a well known program producer and radio broadcaster in the 1970s, '80s and '90s, which increased her profile in the Macedonian community. She contributed to the establishment of the Yugoslav Welfare Association and has been involved in developing a wide range of services for newly arrived migrants.

Lily is a prominent scientist and academic, informing, educating, publishing, advising and encouraging women on health related issues and the need for healthy lifestyles. In the past few years she has given annual seminars in Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in Australia on women's health issues both to professional forums and the general public. As Director of the International Program for the Faculty of Engineering and Science at Victoria University of Technology, she contributed significantly to internationalising education. She is a member of a number of community and professional committees such as Medical Research Week.

Lily has been an inspiration to thousands of Australian women and not only to those of Macedonian/Yugoslav cultural background. She has educated, inspired and empowered woman and through her work has helped to narrow the gap between the Macedonian and Australian communities.
