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Regional Travel Voucher Scheme collection notice

Information about the collection and use of your information.

Service Victoria is the Victorian Government’s customer service agency. Here’s how to contact us.

Service Victoria is collecting your personal info to help you apply for a $200 voucher to reimburse the cost of eligible tourism activities under the Regional Travel Voucher Scheme administered by the Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions. This scheme encourages Victorian residents to visit regional Victoria, stay overnight, support tourism businesses and the regional economy.

We will collect personal info from you as required by the Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions including your name, contact phone number, email, home address, and Victorian driver licence or Victorian proof of age card or Victorian seniors card.

We’ll temporarily store this information before passing it on to the Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions so they can confirm your eligibility, keep a record of all voucher registrations, help you with your claim, and do other things for scheme administration and review.

We may also share your personal info with others where authorised by law. Read Service Victoria’s Privacy and Security Policy

You can access the personal info we hold about you at any time and request to update, correct or amend your personal info using the contact details set out in the Service Victoria Privacy and Security Policy. However, once we pass on your personal info to the Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions we delete it from our system, so we won’t be able to update or amend your details once we delete it.

The Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions may also verify the information in your application with:

  • VicRoads for the verification of your driver licence
  • Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation for verification of your Proof of Age Card
  • Department of Health & Human Services for verification of your Seniors Card.

The Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions will use your information for the purposes described in the Guidelines for this program.

For more info on how the Department of Jobs Precincts & Regions handles your info, read their privacy policy. You can request access to the information they hold about you and request to update, correct or amend your personal information using the contact details set out in their privacy policy

We won't use your info for marketing or other purposes but if you have indicated that you are interested in being on the mailing list for marketing campaigns from Visit Victoria, your name and email will be shared with them.

All the fields in the regional travel voucher application must be completed. Your application can’t be submitted or processed without all the necessary info.
