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Sandra Nicholson APM

Throughout her career, Sandra Nicholson has sought to increase the number of women in specialist positions and in the senior ranks of Victoria Police.

Honour Roll

Since joining Victoria Police in 1975, Sandra has progressively worked through to senior management roles many of them involving demanding operational areas traditionally held by men. Sandra is the Assistant Commissioner for Victoria Police's largest region. She is also the State's sole female Assistant Commissioner.

Sandra has found time during her busy career to support both men and women in Victoria Police through after-hours tuition and formal mentoring to a number of employees. Her mentoring and guidance has benefited many current senior police.

Providing both leadership and practical support within Victoria Police and the wider community, Sandra has encouraged and supported future women leaders through her involvement in programs such as the Geelong Leadership Program. Her contribution to Victoria Police has been recognised by a number of awards including the Most Outstanding Female Police Leader award, the Australian Police Medal and Victoria Police Medal and the National Medal, which "recognises long and diligent service by members of recognised organisations that help the community during times of crisis".

Despite her heavy workload Sandra has found time to contribute to the community through volunteer work at the Royal Children's Hospital, as well as being a trainee volunteer guide at the National Gallery of Victoria and a committee member of the Melbourne West Area Consultative Committee.
