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Family Violence Workforce Census - now extended

The closing date for Victoria's Family Violence Workforce Census has been extended.

Thursday, 7 November 2019 at 6:00 am

Family violence and primary prevention practitioners now have more time to complete Victoria's Family Violence Workforce Census and have their say about what changes will help them better support Victorians affected by family violence.

The closing date for the census has been extended until Friday 28 February to give practitioners more time to take part and share their experiences, views and opinions in the biennial census.

Their feedback will help build on what is already known to increase the capabilities of all Victorian workforces to identify, respond to and prevent family violence and make sure there is no wrong door for victim-survivors and those who seek support or advice.

The census findings will also inform critical work to improve staff health and wellbeing, recruitment and retention, renumeration and employment opportunities and pathways.

Complete census here

A separate census for staff in broader workforces who sometimes come into contact with people affected by family violence has also been extended.

The Royal Commission into Family Violence highlighted the lack of detailed knowledge and essential workforce data about family violence in Victoria.

The first census in 2017 provided a significant evidence base for the development of Building from Strength: 10-Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response and informed workforce planning across government departments and peak bodies.

The census is being led by Family Safety Victoria in consultation with peak bodies and member agencies in the family violence sector who helped develop the questions.

The census will take no more than 20 minutes to complete and is anonymous, with data deidentified.

Please be aware that you will be asked some initial questions to make sure that you are led to the most relevant survey for you.


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