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Statement about VAGO’s Regulating Victoria’s Native Forests report

The Conservation Regulator accepts the recommendations of the VAGO audit which focused on the Regulator’s approach to assessing community allegations of non-compliance with timber harvesting law.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022 at 10:30 pm

The recommendations are all consistent with the Regulator’s pre-existing work program.

It is pleasing to see that VAGO has recognised the progress of the Conservation Regulator in improving timber harvesting regulation.  

Assessing community allegations is an important part of the Conservation Regulator’s role. It is part of a robust, multi-pronged and interconnected approach to the regulation of the industry that cannot be considered in isolation.

The proactive, risk-based regulatory approach of the Conservation Regulator includes:

  • desktop assessments of every timber harvesting coupe
  • proactive field inspections
  • an annual independent environmental audit of a selection of timber harvesting coupes
  • advice to industry and stakeholders to maximise compliance with the law.

Since being established 3 years ago, the Conservation Regulator has implemented and gone beyond the recommendations of the Independent Review of Timber Harvesting to deliver comprehensive reform to public land, forests and wildlife regulation.

We thank the community and industry for engaging with us as we improve the way we regulate and we look forward to continuing this.

– Kate Gavens, Chief Conservation Regulator

Conservation Regulator Victoria
