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Transcript - Transporting Arts Pilot Program Carlton Elgin Street

A transcript of a video with Cathy Drummond, Artist that created the installation at Elgin Street Carlton.

Hi, um I'm Cathy Drummond I live in Melbourne.

Born in Melbourne and I've been painting pictures of places around Melbourne for over 30 years.

Now after being at Art School in the early 80s at RMIT always been interested in art since I was a little kid.

The installations in the tram shelters that I've created here are a montage of five original oil paintings um, that have been reproduced and then configured to fit the shapes.

They're um all paintings um from local areas around here I think they fit with the theme of public transport and that when you're sitting on a tram a really special thing is to look out the window at the city around us put away the phone for a while and actually look at what's out there.

And I think if you do that you might sort of see some really interesting buildings and places that you might not have really noticed before.

Art's really good at drawing attention to the it uh helps people see what's around them if they hadn't noticed things before and then when you do notice it it's quite exciting.

It just helps build the identity of a city and makes people feel good about where they live.

[End transcript]
