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Vicki Mitsos

Vicky has worked closely with the ethnic communities in the Shepparton district to work together to improve their services and conditions.

Honour Roll

Vicki Mitsos began her career as a self-employed dairy farmer. She slowly became involved in multicultural affairs first as an interpreter, then community development officer and finally as a counsellor. Vicky has also developed a close working relationship with the peak multicultural bodies in Victoria constantly ensuring that the experiences, needs and stories of Victoria's regional ethnic communities are heard and included and incorporated into planning and services.

Vicki has worked to ensure that regional Victoria has the necessary English language classes, vocational training and services so that migrants arriving in Australia - either as refugees or skilled migrants - can look to the Goulburn Valley as a legitimate alternative to settling in the Metropolitan areas. Examples include the establishment of NAATI examinations in the Goulburn Valley Region.

Vicky was instrumental in fundraising $900,000 in 96 days for the Shepparton Multicultural Hostel. This provides a culturally appropriate hostel to ensure that the needs of the ageing members of the community are met without them needing to leave their families and communities.

Vicki has also become involved in many organisations including President of Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District since 1990, Commissioner for the Victorian Multicultural Commission since 1998, Executive Member for Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria 1997-2000, Sydney Olympic Torch Committee, City of Greater Shepparton 1999, CHIS Board appointee 1999, Member of Shepparton Iraqi Advisory Committee 1999, and Member of DEET/DSS Advisory Committee 1997 onwards.

Vicki has also received the Hellenic Distinction for Victoria 1998, the 1997 Woman of the Year, Business Professional 1997, National Rural Woman delegate 1997 and North East Victorian Woman of the Year 1997.
