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Victorian Government response to the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System

22 Mar 2023

In 2021, the Minister for Corrections at the time, formed an Expert Panel to conduct a Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System (the Review).  

The Expert Panel had three independent expert advisors: 

  • Tim Cartwright 
    Former Assistant Commissioner Victoria Police 
  • Jill Gallagher AO 
    CEO Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation  
  • Greg Smith AM 
    Former Deputy President, Fair Work Commission 

About the Review

The Review examined the culture, experiences, systems, and processes within Victoria's public and private prisons and correctional centres.  

The Review:  

  • drew on research and data 
  • listened to people who have experience in the corrections system 
  • provided recommendations.

The recommendations aim to make a safer corrections system focused on:   

  • respect  
  • equality  
  • transparency  
  • and support. 

The Review recognised the continued over-representation of Aboriginal people in custody. It looked carefully at Aboriginal cultural safety and self-determination.   

Read the Review's report

The Review delivered its report Safer Prisons, Safer People, Safer Communities (the Report) to the Minister for Corrections on 1 December 2022.

Final Report - Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System
PDF 16.09 MB
(opens in a new window)

Victorian Government response

On 24 March 2024, the Victorian Government released the Report and its response.

The Review’s recommendations represent the most significant and wide-ranging changes to the corrections system in decades.    

The recommendations will have implications on: 

  • policy 
  • funding 
  • legal matters 
  • cultural aspects, and 
  • operations. 

We must consider these implications carefully as they will be the subject of our future decisions. 

We will listen to and work closely with those who are impacted on a day-to-day basis, to ensure that the adult custodial corrections system is: 

  • safer 
  • more modern, and
  • better-supported. 

The Report is crucial for guiding the transformation of our corrections system over the next decade. We will also continue seeking advice from stakeholders and other reports and inquiries already in progress. 


Thank you to the Expert Panel and secretariat for their comprehensive report.

We also thank the 1700 people who contributed to the review, including staff and those in custody.

Read the full Victorian Government response

