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Reclaiming First Nations languages through VET

Working towards a more inclusive skills sector.

An inclusive skills sector is one that creates a sense of belonging and allows everyone to thrive and reach their potential.

The Victorian Government is committed to the learning and use of First Nations languages and supports reclaiming and reviving of First Nations languages. Funded programs include the new Certificates II and III in Learning an Australian First Nations language (Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (2022) Inquiry into the 2022–23 Budget Estimates(opens in a new window), 23 May).

The Victorian Budget 2022/23 invested $2.8 million to deliver a new Certificate IV in Teaching an Australian First Nations language and built a team of specialist teachers to revive language on Country and in classrooms and kindergartens (The Gordon (2022) State funds new Aboriginal language teachers(opens in a new window), June).

This builds on the pilot course Certificate IV in Teaching an Endangered Aboriginal Language Course at Swinburne University of Technology, which was developed with First Nations groups and led by linguistic expert and Taungurung Elder Aunty Lee Healy.
