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Aboriginal Culture and Healing - Stories of Bushfire Recovery

Focuses on Aboriginal peoples’ recovery following the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian bushfires.


Resource details
Title Aboriginal Culture and Healing - Stories of Bushfire Recovery
Owner Bushfire Recovery Victoria
Date last updated August 2021
Resource type Reflection

What is this about?

Stories of Bushfire Recovery - Aboriginal Culture and Healing focuses on Aboriginal peoples’ recovery following the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian bushfires. Events like bushfires have a significant impact on Aboriginal Victorians. Pre-existing inequality and historical intergenerational trauma are further complicated by the impact that bushfires can have on Country and cultural heritage.                                                                                    

Each of the projects profiled in this booklet received funding under the Bushfire Recovery Grants for Aboriginal Communities. These projects highlight the importance to acknowledge, respect and promote Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities’ collective knowledge, and their connection to their Country.

Who is this resource for?

  • State Government
  • Local Government
  • Community Service Organisations
  • Non Government Organisations
  • Community Recovery Committees


  • Empowering the next generation to better manage Country
  • Gundigan creates a new way of working together
  • LEAHA demonstrate Aboriginal self-determination
  • Healing needs to happen on Country
  • Journey to Autonomy
  • Strong Alone, Stronger Together
  • Healing through connections and caring for culture
