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List of abbreviations

AASAustralian Accounting Standards
AASBAustralian Accounting Standards Board
ACERAustralian Council for Educational Research
ACFEadult, community and further education
AMAFAsset Management Accountability Framework
ALNPPAdult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program
CGEACertificates in General Education for Adults
DETDepartment of Education and Training
the departmentDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
ESiCKEmployability Skills initial Check Kit
FOIfreedom of information
FOI ActFreedom of Information Act 1982
FRDFinancial Reporting Direction
GSTgoods and services tax
IBACIndependent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
ICTinformation and communications technology
OVICOffice of the Victorian Information Commissioner
PID ActPublic Interest Disclosures Act 2012
PQFPre-accredited Quality Framework
PQF+Pre-accredited Quality Framework+
SPFSocial Procurement Framework
TAFEtechnical and further education
the BoardAdult, Community and Further Education Board
VDCVET Development Centre
VETvocational education and training
