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Strong policy outcomes — key initiatives

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This objective pursues policy, service and administration excellence and reform. It leads the public sector response to significant state issues, policy challenges and projects. It supports the effective administration of government and the delivery of policy and projects that enable increased productivity and competitiveness in Victoria.

DPC’s outcomes on the following key initiatives have helped us achieve the Strong policy outcomes strategic objective.

Supporting the government’s response to the Victorian bushfires

In 2019–20, DPC delivered high-level support and information to key decision-makers during emergencies. This included providing high-quality and timely strategic advice and updates to the Premier and ministers on the impact and consequences of the January 2020 bushfires.

DPC played an active role in coordinating emergency assistance measures and worked collaboratively with partner agencies to help activate and implement relief and recovery measures for the Victorian bushfires including establishing Bushfire Recovery Victoria.

DPC has continued to engage with the Commonwealth to ensure community relief and recovery needs are met through Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Bushfire Recovery Victoria has overseen the whole of government delivery of key recovery initiatives including:

  • the clean-up of buildings destroyed or damaged by the bushfires free of charge for property owners, with more than 1,300 structures cleared out
  • providing emergency and short-term accommodation for individuals and families whose primary place of residence became unhabitable due to the fires
  • financial assistance through releasing over $17 million to more than 2,600 small businesses in $10,000 small business grants and over $23 million in $75,000 primary producer grants
  • creating more than 600 local jobs to support recovery activities such as clean-up and short-term accommodation
  • helping to establish nine Community Recovery Committees to support fire-affected communities and supporting them to develop their own recovery objectives.

Supporting the government’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

DPC played a key role in supporting government decision-making in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This included supporting government decision-making at National Cabinet and the Crisis Council of Cabinet by working across government to coordinate advice on policies to help manage the coronavirus (COVID-19) response. DPC, along with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and DTF, provided support to develop a national partnership agreement on coronavirus (COVID-19) to formalise the Commonwealth commitment to the response and bringing together the private and public hospital systems to work as one.

DPC has also worked with the Department of Education and Training (DET) and DHHS to support the viability of and continue to provide education services during the pandemic, including early childhood education and care, kindergartens, schools and TAFEs. This has included ensuring that vulnerable children and young people, as well as the children of key workforces, have been able to access schools and early childhood services throughout the pandemic.

Establishing the COVID-19 Aboriginal Community Taskforce

The Joint COVID-19 Aboriginal Community Taskforce has been established to support a comprehensive, coordinated and culturally safe response to coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts on Aboriginal Victorians. It identifies emerging issues, risks, gaps and opportunities for Aboriginal communities and sectors as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Through providing experience and local and sector insight, taskforce members have been integral in identifying coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts and developing culturally appropriate responses within Aboriginal communities.

The taskforce has helped coordinate both proactive and emergency responses to the ongoing impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on Victoria’s Aboriginal communities. These responses include a $23 million whole of government Aboriginal-specific coronavirus (COVID-19) funding package, including a $10 million coronavirus (COVID-19) Aboriginal Community Response and Recovery Fund, providing support for Aboriginal school students during the pandemic, culturally effective coronavirus (COVID-19) communications, securing food supplies to a number of Aboriginal communities during the pandemic and ensuring culturally safe contact tracing.

Building safer and more resilient Victorian communities

DPC has continued to progress and implement key legislative reforms seeking to build safer and more resilient communities including fire services reform and emergency management planning reforms.

DPC led activities to enhance national and state crisis preparedness, including developing and delivering discussion exercises for the state’s peak strategic decision-making bodies in their response to a large-scale emergency.

DPC, in partnership with Emergency Management Victoria, continues to work with other jurisdictions through the Australia–New Zealand Emergency Management Committee to strengthen disaster resilience by providing strategic leadership on emergency management policy and related capability and capacity development activities including implementing the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework.

In 2019–20, DPC supported Victorian and national counterterrorism reforms through the Council of Australian Governments, the Australia–New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee and work to implement the recommendations of the Expert Panel on Terrorism and Violent Extremism Prevention and Response Powers.

Supporting a more secure youth justice system

In 2019–20, DPC supported the release of the Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2020–2030, which sets out a path to reduce youth offending, boost workforce support and safety, and deliver positive outcomes for young people. DPC also continued to support the government to modernise Victoria’s youth justice system via the new youth justice centre in Cherry Creek. This included providing strategic advice on a revised design that will deliver a more specialised facility, better promote staff safety and support rehabilitation of young people in the youth justice system.

Supporting the Victorian Government’s engagement with the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System

DPC continues to support the government’s engagement with the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System in partnership with DHHS and Mental Health Reform Victoria.

The royal commission released its interim report in November 2019, which contained nine recommendations to government. The final report will be delivered to government in February 2021.

DPC has continued to lead engagement with the Commonwealth, including through supporting development of the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan. The plan was endorsed by National Cabinet in May 2020 and identifies 10 priorities to guide and inform decision-making, and to ensure that responses are consistent and connected to a national mental health system. In addition, DPC has led work with the Commonwealth to ensure a joined-up approach to funding for suicide prevention activities in Victoria.

Reform and oversight of the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence

DPC continues to coordinate and oversee implementation of the government’s family violence reform agenda. As at 30 June 2020, 154 Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations have been implemented, with 73 recommendations remaining in progress. DPC continued to report to the Victorian Secretaries’ Board’s Subcommittee on Family Violence Reform about key reform projects and on the progress of the royal commission’s 227 recommendations before the coronavirus (COVID-19) related governance changes. DPC continues to chair an interdepartmental committee on family violence reform, supporting the subcommittee in its role in providing oversight across the reform. DPC’s strong governance lead in family violence was particularly important during the initial stages of Victoria’s coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic response, enabling cross-government collaboration through the interdepartmental committee on key family violence response activities and emerging issues.

Nearly four years into a 10-year plan to rebuild the family violence system, the implementation of more than two-thirds of the recommendations demonstrates the progress towards the reform of the family violence system; however, there remains more work to do to deliver on desired outcomes and to learn from the progress to date.

Release of the Family Violence Data Collection Framework

DPC led the development and release of the Family Violence Data Collection Framework, responding to the Royal Commission into Family Violence finding that limited data about the experience of Victorians affected by family violence contributes to poor outcomes. The framework includes:

  • a common set of family violence and demographic data items
  • definitions and standards
  • advice on reporting practices that will make information on family violence more useful.

The framework provides a consistent approach for people working in the sector to collect information, including from the following priority communities: Aboriginal communities, LGBTIQ communities, people with disabilities, multicultural communities, children, young people and older people.

Supporting inclusion for all Victorians

The government is committed to building a state that is inclusive for all Victorians and celebrates the diversity and resilience of our LGBTIQ community. In June 2020, the government began public consultation with the LGBTIQ community and organisations that support LGBTIQ people
on the first whole of government LGBTIQ Strategy. The LGBTIQ Strategy will be guided by the expert advice of the LGBTIQ Taskforce and its working groups and will provide the government with a road map and direction on LGBTIQ equality for years to come.

Providing economic advice on current and future economic challenges and opportunities

In 2019–20, DPC continued to work closely with DTF and other departments to support the government’s economic growth objectives. This included advising on taxation, fiscal strategy, workplace safety, local government, regulation, private-sector industrial relations, consumer and gambling policy and transport policy and infrastructure delivery. DPC also supported the Premier in the annual Budget process and coordinated the undertaking of the Base and Efficiency Reviews across all departments.

Since the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, DPC has actively supported Victorian Government departments to identify and develop measures to assist businesses and individuals.

Supporting industry capability, capacity and growth

In 2019–20, DPC supported the Premier and relevant departments to:

  • develop policies and programs to enhance and support industry development, as a key driver of Victoria’s economic performance
  • respond to the economic impacts of significant events including the drought, the Victorian bushfires and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
  • position Victoria for longer term recovery through targeted policy advice and administration of the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund.

In 2019–20, the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund helped to secure new film projects for Victoria and new private sector investments in regional and metropolitan areas, and supported numerous bushfire recovery projects in affected regional areas.

Supporting the rollout of three-year-old kindergarten

During 2019–20, DPC worked to support DET to prepare for the first stage of implementing funded three-year-old kindergarten, beginning in six local government areas in 2020. This has included supporting government consideration of key workforce, infrastructure and change management approaches to deliver on the commitment to provide 15 hours of high-quality funded kindergarten programs to all three-year-old Victorians over the next 10 years.

Securing a new national health agreement

Throughout 2019–20, DPC, together with DHHS and DTF, continued to advance Victoria’s interests through negotiating the new National Health Reform Agreement, which came into effect on 1 July 2020.

Supporting coordination of Victoria’s public health strategy

In August 2019, the Victorian Government released the third Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, the overarching strategy to achieve our vision of all Victorians enjoying the highest attainable standards of health, wellbeing and participation at every age. Throughout 2019–20, DPC has helped coordinate this strategy across government to ensure that a whole of government approach is taken to tackling some of our most complex public health challenges.

Leading Victoria’s international engagement

DPC partnered with several organisations to develop Asia-focused capabilities within the state, including:

  • collaborating with Asia Society Australia to utilise its expertise and extensive networks to enhance Victoria’s connections to, engagement with and knowledge of Asia
  • continuing to work with the Australia India Institute to deliver a program that supports the objectives of Victoria’s India Strategy, including by building knowledge, understanding and connections between Victoria and India
  • working with the Australia and New Zealand School of Government to initiate the Victoria India Government Exchange Program, including leading a delegation of senior Victorian public service (VPS) executives to Karnataka state in November 2019 to strengthen government-to-government links, and share knowledge and best practice.

Supporting delivery of the government’s infrastructure program

DPC continued its work in 2019–20 with the Department of Transport (DoT) and the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority on many of the major transport projects in construction, including the Level Crossing Removal Project, Metro Tunnel Project, West Gate Tunnel Project, North East Link Project and multiple road upgrades. The Victorian Government has 119 major road and rail projects being constructed or planned for at an investment of $70 billion and the creation of more than 15,000 jobs.

DPC has also been a key participant in establishing and supporting the operation of the Suburban Rail Loop Authority in progressing the Suburban Rail Loop project.

Cybersecurity strategy for better detection, prevention and response to cyber attacks

Throughout 2019–20, DPC has led implementation of the government’s Cyber Security Strategy 2016–2020 to improve the cyber resilience and governance in government and major infrastructure and service providers. This work included:

  • supporting more than 240 organisations on more than 1,000 cyber incidents through the Victorian Government Cyber Incident Response Service
  • research and communication to increase insight into the level of cyber incidents affecting government and critical infrastructure
  • developing an integrated and federated Security Operations Centre model and implementation plan
  • finalising implementation of cyber emergency governance arrangements (including creating a cybersecurity group that ultimately reports to the State Crisis and Resilience Committee)
  • improving procurement mechanisms to allow government to more easily access private sector cyber services
  • publishing cyber incident management guidance for Victorian public sector organisations.

Prioritising open and efficient IT spend and improving government digital processes

DPC continued to prioritise open information, efficient digital services, strong modern systems and technology and increased staff capability. In 2019–20, DPC has:

  • continued to support transparent government ICT project spend through coordinating and publishing the Victorian Government ICT dashboard (which shows the status of government ICT projects with a total value of $1 million or more)
  • worked with all parts of government to improve the success rate of IT-enabled business projects through delivering capability uplift programs
  • completed a review and made recommendations on how data is collected, managed and used as part of legislative and regulatory performance reporting
  • developed the Victorian Centre for Data Insights (VCDI) Strategy, which sets out a plan for how VCDI will help VPS agencies derive value and insights from data
  • developed the Ethical Analytics Toolkit to provide ethical guidance to teams conducting analytics projects across the VPS.

Coordinating service system reform

The Service Systems Reform group is coordinating a whole of government initiative to build the Victorian Government’s knowledge and understanding of place-based approaches and improve our ability to partner with communities to tackle complex challenges at the local level. In its first 12 months, the Working Together in Place initiative has established a strong reputation across government and with external stakeholders for modelling the changes needed within government.

The project has:

  • delivered a policy framework, outlining the potential for greater place-based and place-focused work within the government and a policy agenda to design responses to the known barriers and opportunities
  • established seven Collaboration Sites to demonstrate new ways of working by collaborating with Regional Executives across government to support community change and aspiration
  • implemented a new model for whole of government collaboration and learning, working in partnership across six departments
  • identified four key reform areas to improve how government partners with communities through place-based initiatives: Structures and accountability; Funding and resourcing; Information and evidence; and Culture, capability and leadership
  • developed an active learning capability across the whole of government team that will enable place-based reforms to be tested, monitored and adapted to maximise impact
  • established partnerships with the Commonwealth and local governments to work together on place-based change and to share learning and evidence.

The initiative was put on hold in April 2020 to allow project resources to be diverted to support the coronavirus (COVID-19) response. It is anticipated that a restart of Working Together In Place will play an important role in Victoria’s recovery by demonstrating how place-based approaches can be used to effectively work with communities to ensure that the social and economic recovery from coronavirus (COVID-19) is both effectively coordinated and tailored to local needs and circumstances — and that actions are designed and led locally by communities.

Designing and establishing new ways of working with communities

In 2019–20, the Public Sector Innovation branch contributed to critical DPC work areas, including supporting the launch of the Jobs and Skills Exchange, responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and supporting the VPS to move to a remote working model.

In July 2019, key members of the Public Sector Innovation team formed the core of the new Jobs and Skills Exchange initiative. Over four months, Public Sector Innovation team members helped launch the Jobs and Skills Exchange’s job-matching platform and established the working model for the new initiative.

The Behavioural Insights Unit fosters innovation by supporting the VPS to understand and apply behavioural interventions. In 2019–20, the DPC Behavioural Insights Unit delivered 10 behavioural insights workshops attended by staff from across the VPS and supported 45 behavioural projects from across the VPS. With the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Behavioural Insights Unit provided behavioural science–informed advice to VPS departments on their communication with Victorians, surveyed the VPS on their experiences with remote working and supported DHHS with embedded specialists across a range of policy areas.

Throughout 2019–20, the Innovation Network’s combination of online learning materials, peer communities and learning events addressed demand and anticipated future needs. The Innovation Network supported the VPS’s transition to a remote working model. The Innovation Network quickly launched a Remote Working Hub in March 2020, seamlessly transitioning to remote delivery of its learning events. The Innovation Network membership continued to perform strongly throughout the year, growing from 9,500 to almost 18,000 accounts, demonstrating the demand for the network’s training materials and events.

In March 2020, Public Sector Innovation branch’s Innovation Network team staged the second annual VPS Innovation Immersion event. The event again brought together more than 500 participants from across the public service to attend practical workshops and keynote speeches to build innovation skills across the VPS.

The trial of the Agile Delivery Office also concluded in 2019–20, and its functions were absorbed back into the core responsibility of the Public Sector Innovation branch. During its time as a discrete operating unit, the Agile Delivery Office provided agile coaching and customised advice to 44 project teams and delivered training and support to 588 members of the VPS.

The Public Sector Innovation Fund has committed its $11 million allocation and is now closed to new funding applications. In line with a recent independent impact review, the fund is continuing to achieve significant success in its objective to drive innovation across the VPS by partnering with departments and agencies.

In 2019–20, the Public Sector Innovation Fund continued to manage its portfolio of grant projects, notably including funding to help establish the Jobs and Skills Exchange and ongoing participation in the design and delivery of the CivVic Labs government start-up accelerator.

CivVic Labs completed its first and second rounds during 2019–20. To date, 21 start-ups have worked on solutions to 10 challenges from departments and agencies. Interim evaluations indicate that CivVic Labs is helping government challenge owners develop more innovative solutions and enabling start-ups to better work with government and grow their businesses. A third round of six new government challenges was launched in April 2020.

Data insights to enable better decisions and outcomes powered by analytics

In 2019–20, the VCDI partnered with departments and agencies across government to help deliver better policies, programs, services and outcomes for Victorians through improved use of data and advanced analytics. VCDI’s team of technologists, data management experts and analysts devoted significant focus to helping with response and recovery efforts for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the Victorian bushfires.

Many other cross-VPS collaborations also saw VCDI provide technical and strategic advice to improve health, social, economic and environmental outcomes for Victorians while reducing waste, delivering savings and building data expertise across the VPS in keeping with the goals of the VCDI Strategy.

Service Victoria

During 2019–20, Service Victoria attracted 1.04 million visits to the online service platform, an 84 per cent growth rate on last year’s customer numbers, while maintaining the high satisfaction rate of 96 per cent. The time savings for customers to complete their transactions using Service Victoria was valued at more than $4.5 million.

An additional 17 transactions are using the platform, including applications for digital end-to-end new Working with Children Checks and miner’s rights. Digital capabilities, such as identity verification and authentication, are supporting a range of WorkSafe licences and residential tenancy bonds. The mobile app can now be used to share a fishing licence with a fisheries officer and for kangaroo harvesters to scan their tags. New features were released to remove some of the final roadblocks to fully online services such as online identity verification at a Level of Assurance 2, and five new business systems were delivered to enable end-to-end digital administration.

Promoting affordable, reliable and secure energy

In 2019–20, DPC supported the Premier, government departments (including the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)), and government entities in delivering on government energy commitments, including:

  • overhauling the waste and resource recovery sector through the $300 million Recycling Victoria package
  • protecting forests and threatened species for future generations through establishing the Victorian Forestry Plan, which details the phaseout of logging in Victoria’s native forests by 2030
  • lifting the moratorium on onshore gas exploration to support an orderly restart of the industry and developing a Bill to enshrine Victoria’s fracking ban in the constitution
  • legislating an increased Victorian renewable energy target of 50 per cent by 2030
  • releasing the Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy and establishing the independent Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority to support the transition to safe, stable and sustainable post-mining landforms in Victoria.

Office of the Victorian Government Architect

The OVGA was involved in the following key initiatives and projects in 2019–20.

Future Homes Competition — Delivering on an election commitment to work with Victoria’s architects to prepare exemplar plans for apartment buildings, OVGA worked collaboratively with DELWP to conduct industry and stakeholder consultation in developing the Future Homes design competition for better apartment buildings in established suburbs. Endorsed by the Australian Institute of Architects, Stage One of the competition was successfully launched on 12 March. On 30 March, Minister for Housing Richard Wynne added an incentive, announcing a commitment to construct a demonstration project funded by DHHS and delivered in partnership with DELWP and OVGA. Eight design teams, shortlisted by a multidisciplinary jury, have begun the Stage Two design refinement phase of the competition.

Federation Square Review — In collaboration with DJPR, OVGA led Stream 1: Public Purpose and Built Form Review of Federation Square. Convening a panel of architectural, urban design and other relevant experts, OVGA led the research, analysis and drafting of a report: Federation Square — Principles for Change. The report includes guiding principles, recommended strategies and priority initiatives to inform future enhancement of the square and its surrounds. OVGA’s work included
in-depth consultation with the community, tenants and stakeholders to establish a valuable long-term vision. Collaboration with Stream 2: Financial Base and Governance Investigations enabled inclusion of the panel’s recommendation for processes for good design governance.

Infrastructure portfolio — OVGA’s collaboration with Rail Projects Victoria, Level Crossing Removal Projects, North East Link Project, Major Road Projects Victoria and the West Gate Tunnel Project has continued OVGA’s focus on maintaining quality design throughout all project stages.

OVGA provides expert advice to help guide the design development of these projects and their integration with the places and communities they impact, ensuring the long-term legacy of these city-shaping projects will be delivered. OVGA advocates for multidisciplinary, iterative and collaborative processes that have evolved key aspects of the scope and technical requirements of these major infrastructure projects to support vibrant and engaging additions to our city and its public realm.

OVGA’s contribution to design quality is evident in recently completed projects such as the Reservoir and Carrum train stations. OVGA has collaborated with DoT to develop the Movement and Place Framework, aiming to better align movement functions with the places they serve. Collaborative engagements include developing a range of transport business cases and ‘future thinking’ about a place-based approach to gateway precincts in Melbourne.

Housing — OVGA’s independent expertise is embedded in the evaluation of the Public Housing Renewal Program, which includes the current redevelopment of public housing properties and estates in Brighton, Prahran and Flemington. Our role has been extended to include a review of public and affordable housing projects as part of the economic stimulus program. OVGA is also supporting DELWP to develop streamlined planning mechanisms for public housing land in Braybrook.

Priority precincts — OVGA collaborated with DJPR in providing strategic oversight and design expertise to shape the Sunshine Priority Precinct Roadmap and Footscray Priority Precinct Opportunity Statement. This role builds on the strong cultural heritage and character of these precincts and their surrounds to inform future precinct planning, built form and public realm quality for these emerging economic and social hubs. Recently OVGA has entered into an agreement with the Suburban Rail Loop Authority to help develop principles to achieve a good legacy of ‘places’ in this city-shaping project.

Design review — OVGA’s Victorian Design Review Panel provides independent and authoritative advice to government through structured design review. The panel has reviewed more than 400 significant projects across Victoria. This multidisciplinary panel of built environment experts has been critical in broadening the reach of OVGA design advice, particularly in regional Victoria. In 2019–20, the panel reviewed a broad range of projects and strategic design propositions including individual civic buildings, tourism and major transport infrastructure projects, educational buildings, design guidelines and master plans for priority precincts.

Promoting fair and equitable workplaces

In 2019–20, DPC’s Industrial Relations Victoria (IRV) group provided leadership and support on public sector bargaining matters, including approving 26 final agreements for public sector departments and agencies. IRV successfully completed significant projects for the benefit of workers and workplaces, including the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce and the passage of the Wage Theft Act 2020.

The advent of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic required new initiatives to support Victorian employers and their workforces. IRV has advised government on industrial relations legislative and policy matters during the pandemic, establishing a framework of protections and arrangements for the public sector and participating in consultations with the private sector to manage the dissemination and implementation of public health directions.

Examples of how DPC has promoted fair and equitable workplaces through IRV in 2019–20 include the following.

In the private sector, DPC:

  • developed and supported the passage of Australia’s first specific wage theft laws, which will result in a new statutory authority, Wage Inspectorate Victoria
  • delivered the Inquiry and Report into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce, which involved an investigation into the conditions of workers in the ‘gig economy’
  • worked with DJPR to develop the Fair Jobs Code
  • supported the government’s policy responses to coronavirus (COVID-19) directed towards supporting workers and businesses in the private sector
  • supported passage and managed the implementation of the Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2018 to provide portable long service benefits in the contract cleaning, security and community services industries
  • developed and supported passage and implementation of the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Amendment Act 2019 to help owner-drivers and forestry contractors
  • led the government’s participation in Fair Work Commission cases, including the Annual Wage Review and test cases in support of award variations proposed for paid pandemic leave in the health and community sectors
  • prepared submissions to numerous Commonwealth Government reviews and inquiries
  • advised on addressing the superannuation gap for women and the development of the Gender Equality Act 2020
  • supported the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council
  • supported the Transport Industry Council and the Forestry Industry Council, including developing the Tip Truck Code of Conduct.

In the public sector, DPC:

  • implemented the revised Wages Policy and the Enterprise Bargaining Framework, which focus on the government’s operational and public sector priorities to deliver real benefits for all Victorians
  • developed and implemented Guidance Notes and the Industrial Relations Framework for managing the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the Victorian public sector
  • renegotiated the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement, covering 51 public service employers and approximately 50,000 employees
  • oversaw the renegotiation of enterprise agreements for public transport workers, paramedics and sworn police officers
  • implemented the Women in Construction Strategy to support attraction, recruitment and retention of women in building and construction
  • provided industrial relations support and advice for the government’s building and infrastructure projects
  • began a review of casual and fixed-term employment in the public service.

With Wage Inspectorate Victoria, DPC:

  • ensured protection of children working in Victoria by administering child employment laws, including assessing and issuing 9,425 child employment permits and undertaking 1,172 child employment investigations
  • finalised 105 investigations into breaches of long service leave laws and recovered $379,623 in outstanding long service leave entitlements for employees
  • answered 11,139 long service leave and child employment queries through the Inspectorate’s Information Line and responded to more than 1,600 email queries from the public
  • began establishing the Inspectorate as a statutory body to enforce the wage theft laws once they come into effect on 1 July 2021
  • assumed new regulatory responsibilities under the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005.

Progress towards achieving the objective

The output performance measures that provide information on DPC’s progress in achieving the ‘Strong policy outcomes’ strategic objective are outlined below.

Objective indicator: DPC’s policy advice and its support for Cabinet, committee members and the Executive Council are valued and inform decision-making

Unit of measure





Number of briefs supporting Cabinet and Cabinet committee decision-making





Policy services satisfaction rating





Policy services timeliness rating





Objective indicator: Quality infrastructure drives economic growth activity in Victoria

Unit of measure





Strategic advice on significant public and private sector projects from project inception and procurement to design and delivery (by OVGA)





Stakeholder satisfaction with the quality of advice on significant public and private sector projects (with OVGA)





Objective indicator: The development and effective use of technology supports productivity and competitiveness

Unit of measure





Victorian Government entities using the Standard User Experience Framework





Average monthly analysis reports generated to guide government decision-making





Average number of monthly visits to





Note: nm = new measure

Further details on DPC’s 2019–20 performance against its output performance measures are covered in the section Performance against output performance measures.
