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Share your inspiring early childhood education stories

Calling early childhood teachers and educators! Help us highlight and celebrate the great work you do.

Share your inspiring early childhood education stories

We want to hear the stories of real people working in the early childhood and education workforce. We’d like to share inspiration and insights within the sector, and among those considering a career in early childhood education and care.

Through quality play-based learning, early childhood teachers and educators have a life-changing impact on the learning and development outcomes of children.

The department is looking for case studies to highlight and celebrate the great workforce that makes a difference to the lives of children and their families.

We are looking for people currently in any stage of their teaching career at an early childhood service to chat to us and share their stories.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in talking to us about their experience in studying or now working in the sector, please get in touch by email:

Find out more

For more information, email the Early Childhood Communications team at:
