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Appendix 4: description of graphics and diagrams

Everybody Matters Inclusion and Equity Blueprint 2019-2022.

Figure 1. Diverse communities

  • Aboriginal communities
  • People in the sex industry
  • People with disabilities
  • Faith communities
  • People living in regional and rural communities
  • People experiencing mental health issues
  • Older people
  • Young people
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • Women in or exiting prison or forensic institutions
  • Male victims
  • LGBTIQ communities

Figure 2: Overview of the 2019-22 Blueprint

Vision: An inclusive, safe, responsive and accountable system for all Victorians.

Strategic Priorities from the Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement:

  • Strategic Priority 1: Building Knowledge
  • Strategic Priority 2: Building Capacity and Capability
  • Strategic Priority 3: Strengthening Targeted Services

Three-year outcomes:

  • There is increased evidence and research on experiences of family violence, service system responses to victim-survivors and perpetrators of family violence, and systemic barriers to engagement for people from Victoria’s diverse communities
  • Specialist family violence services have increase awareness of intersectionality
  • Specialist and broader family violence workers have increased knowledge about intersectionality and its relevance to their work
  • The family violence workforce better reflects the diversity of Victorian communities
  • Targeted service provision is more accessible to people from diverse communities experiencing or choosing to use violence.
  • Targeted services are accessible through standalone or coordinated responses


  • Mechanisms implemented to share data and research across Government and the broader service sectors
  • Improved data on diverse communities to better inform service design and delivery
  • Increased collaboration with people with lived experience in the design and delivery of family violence services
  • Increased trials and evaluation of new approaches to interventions to build the policy evidence base
  • Increased workforce capacity to embed culturally safe, inclusive and intersectionality practices
  • Increased inclusive practice training and ongoing professional development for staff
  • Increased workforce diversity
  • Increased coordination and collaboration across the service system
  • Capacity building initiatives implemented to further strengthen targeted services
  • Enhanced targeted initiatives for people from diverse communities


  • Implement the Family Violence Data Collection Framework
  • Gather baseline data on the family violence workforce demographics
  • Showcase inclusive practice examples, informed by an intersectionality framework
  • Trial targeted initiatives for people from diverse communities who use violence
  • Support the establishment of Victim Survivor Advisory Groups
  • Gather the voices of lived experience through The Orange Door network evaluation
  • Commission research to analyse perpetrators of family violence and their service pathways
  • Explore systemic barriers to accessing services for people from diverse communities
  • Research and pilot projects to understand the drivers of violence against people from diverse communities
  • Work with Elder Abuse Prevention Networks to complete action research to understand the drivers of Elder Abuse
  • Enhance organisations and workers understanding of intersectionality through the implementation of MARAM and the Intersectionality Capacity Building Project
  • Implement disability and women exiting prison practice lead initiatives
  • Support 26 organisations to achieve Rainbow Tick Accreditation
  • Implement a suite of LGBITQ family violence capacity building initiatives
  • Support initiatives to reduce barriers to enter the workforce and encourage people from diverse communities to join the workforce
  • Build the capacity of interpreters through family violence training and ongoing professional development
  • Rollout e-learning modules on intersectionality
  • Develop training packages for faith leaders to understand the nature of family violence and sexual assault in multicultural and faith communities
  • Building prevention workforce capacity in intersectionality
  • Work with targeted services across diverse communities to inform the development of the MARAM perpetrator practice guidance
  • Enhance The Orange Door network linkages with targeted services
  • Implement learnings and recommendations from the evaluation of the Family Violence perpetrator intervention trials programs
  • Review and evaluate Victoria’s first LGBTIQ specialist family violence service offering
  • Implement initiatives across multicultural communities in regional Victoria to prevent and recognise family violence
  • Provide targeted funding for primary prevention activities led by multicultural organisations
  • Fund statewide telephone support service for people experiencing elder abuse
  • Fund LGBTIQ Family Violence applicant and respondent practitioners at selected courts
  • Strengthen the capacity of the disability and social services workforce to design and deliver prevention of family violence activities

Diagram 1. Understanding intersectionality in Australia

  • People’s social identities and experiences of systems of oppression intersect with colonisation.
  • Systems of oppression include ableism, ageism, stigma, classism, intersex discrimination, transphobia, biphobia, homophobia, sexism and racism.
  • People’s identities include Aboriginality, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, colour, nationality, refugee or asylum seeker background, migration or visa status, language, religion, ability, age, mental health, socioeconomic status, housing status, geographic location and medical or criminal record.
