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Learn Local Jobs Board

Jobs Board now available on the Learn Local Secure Portal

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

FROM: Jeanette Nagorcka Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

DATE: 19 September 2022

SUBJECT: Jobs Board now available on the Learn Local Secure Portal

Actions / Critical Dates:

  • Access the Learn Local Secure Portal Jobs Board.

Learn Local Jobs Board

Following feedback from the sector around the staffing challenges that providers have faced recently due to the current labour market conditions and staff illness affecting providers’ ability to maintain delivery, the Department has developed a Learn Local Jobs Board.  The Jobs Board is a prototype platform so that providers can advise others that they have opportunities for staff from other providers who wish to take up extra work, and to advise others that staff at their organisations are interested in seeking additional hours of work.

A User Guide has been developed (see Attachment 1 below) to assist providers to access the Jobs Board and effectively match staff to opportunities.

The Learn Local Secure Portal (LLSP) is part of the VET Shared Learning Resources application. The Department has funded a variety of projects and programs that involve the development of professional development and teaching and learning resources. These resources are shared with Learn Local providers through the LLSP site.

In the LLSP trainers are able to collaborate and exchange teaching materials. The LLSP is hosted on the Canvas Learning Management System. The Department has conducted initial user testing of the functionality of the Jobs Board on the LLSP with providers, and now seeks to conduct further testing by engaging the sector.

To ensure that the Jobs Board is an effective platform for staff across the Learn Local sector to help fill short-term gaps in organisational staffing profiles and ensure that those seeking additional hours delivering Learn Local courses can be matched to opportunities, we recommend the following approach to posting on the Jobs Board.

As each Learn Local provider is allocated two licences to access the LLSP, staff with access should identify the following key information in their posts:

  • The nature of the opportunity (identify the hours requested/offered, what period of dates)
  • The names and contact details of staff requesting hours, including their preferred mode of delivery (online, face-to-face or both) and area/s of expertise (SfWS, LEAP etc.)
  • LGA delivery location (where applicable)

Please submit any feedback you may have via email. 

Attachment 1 LLSP_Jobs_Board_USER GUIDE
Word 1 MB
(opens in a new window)
