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Sharing experiences and data from the second year of service delivery

This Annual Report uses service provision data to explain how The Orange Door network supported people in the 2019-20 financial year.

Information and data have been collected from the Client Relationship Management (CRM) system used by The Orange Door. This system continues to evolve to provide data to inform policy, service delivery and improvements.

This year the system captures a full year of data across the 5 areas that operated in 2019-20. There are notable improvements in data quality and consistency.

In addition, with a full year of operations completed, practitioners and teams have developed and embedded the integrated practice approaches and adapted to delivery of a new service model and working within multi-disciplinary teams. Practice development and support activities, driven by the practice leadership of The Orange Door, have supported increasingly consistent and efficient service delivery to families.

As data collection and reporting processes continue to strengthen, more and more robust data sets will be available for analysis and interpretation, including a clearer picture of people’s experience of accessing The Orange Door network and the services they need to be safe and supported.

The data is broken down by quarters:

  • Quarter 1 (July – September 2019)
  • Quarter 2 (October – December 2019)
  • Quarter 3 (January – March 2020)
  • Quarter 4 (April – June 2020).

Throughout the report these may be referred to as Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Data for this report was extracted in September 2020, which allows for most of the information from 2019-20 to be finalised (noting that this may not occur until a case is closed).

This report provides comparisons between data for 2018-19 and 2019-20. It must be noted that 2018-19 data does not reflect a full year of operations for the North East Melbourne and Inner Gippsland areas, which commenced on 10 July 2018 and 20 November 2018 respectively, therefore comparisons for these areas must be treated with caution.

Within government, including in this report, the term ‘perpetrator’ is used for consistency with the Royal Commission into Family Violence. When we use the term ‘perpetrator’, we are referring to adults, not adolescents who use violence in the home who need a developmentally appropriate response. However, it is recognised that some individuals and communities, including Aboriginal communities, prefer the term ‘person using family violence’ and that terminology needs to be tailored in different practice settings to support engagement.
