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What we do at the Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing

We're leading ground-breaking change to Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system, so people get the support they need and deserve.

Our purpose

We will drive ground-breaking change to Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system, so that people receive mental health and wellbeing support when, where and how they may want it. 

We're committed to doing things differently to effect real change. We: 

  • champion lived and living experience leadership
  • develop mental health services that are safe, effective, timely and compassionate
  • put the evidence of lived experience at the centre of all our work
  • partner and collaborate with individuals, services and organisations with diverse experiences to create better care, treatment and support
  • are unapologetically ambitious: we challenge assumptions, ask bold questions and set an innovative research agenda for impact
  • connect the evidence of lived experience, service provision and research to make care more person-centred and compassionate and people's outcomes more effective and evidence informed
  • commit to transparency in all we do: we communicate openly, invite feedback, listen and respond
  • support continuous learning to do better - again and again
  • advocate for policy change to transform mental health care through inclusive research and real-world evidence
  • deliver locally, collaborate widely and inspire globally.

Our functions

As set out in Chapter 15 of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022, the Collaborative Centre has the following functions: 

(a) to provide, promote and coordinate the provision of mental health and wellbeing services; 

(b) to assist service providers to facilitate and improve access to mental health and wellbeing services; 

(c) to provide or arrange the provision of specialist support services and care for persons who have experienced trauma; 

(d) to develop strategies for conducting research, and applying and disseminating research findings, in the field of mental health and wellbeing having regard to any priorities for research determined by the Centre Board; 

(e) to conduct, promote and coordinate research in the field of mental health and wellbeing, including in collaboration with other persons and entities; 

(f) to provide, promote and coordinate activities that support the continuing education and professional development of service providers and persons who work or conduct research in the field of mental health and wellbeing; 

(g) to provide advice and guidance to service providers and practitioners in relation to the provision of mental health and wellbeing services; 

(h) to report to the Minister and the Health Secretary on matters relevant to its functions; 

(i) to perform any other function conferred on the Centre by or under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act or any other Act. 

Our priorities

The Collaborative Centre’s mission, objectives, principles, functions, establishment activities and key outputs are outlined in the centre’s 2023-24 Statement of Priorities.

The Statement of Priorities, as agreed by the Acting Minister for Mental Health and the Collaborative Centre Board in November 2022, sets out what the centre aims to achieve by 30 June 2023.

Visit the 2023-24 Statement of Priorities page. 

A fact sheet summarising our 2023-24 Statement of priorities can be found below: 

Statement of Priorities Fact Sheet
PDF 418.28 KB
(opens in a new window)

Strategic directions

Our strategic directions provides the foundation for our first three-year strategic plan, which will be developed in 2024. 

Together with our Lived Experiences Advisory Panel, the Collaborative Centre Board developed this document, additionally reflecting contributions from our key partners and stakeholders. 

We have four strategic areas underpinned by three foundations. 

Strategic areas

  • Transforming treatment, care and support 
  • Generating research 
  • Engaging people and sharing information
  • Strengthening and supporting the workforce 

Strategic foundations

  • Lived experience leadership, partnership and participation
  • Collaborating and connecting across the mental health sector 
  • Human rights and social justice 

For more information, please view our complete strategic directions document below: 

Collaborative Centre Strategic Directions
PDF 293.73 KB
(opens in a new window)

2022-2023 Annual Report

The Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing’s annual report for 2022-23 is in accordance with section 3.7 of our 2022-23 Statement of Priorities. This requires the Collaborative Centre to report on activities during the 2022-23 financial year. 

To read our full 2022-2023 Annual Report, please click below: 

Collaborative Centre 2022-2023 Annual Report
PDF 8.01 MB
(opens in a new window)
