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Implementing the IGEM Review and Inquiry

Victoria acknowledges the national significance of the recommendations arising from the Royal Commission and the long-term opportunities arising from its findings.

Implementing the IGEM Review and Inquiry

Victoria acknowledges the national significance of the recommendations arising from the Royal Commission and the long-term opportunities arising from its findings. We also note the overlap in reform priorities identified in both the Royal Commission report and recent IGEM inquiries.

As an immediate priority, Victoria will be focusing its efforts on implementing actions arising from the IGEM’s Review of 10 Years of Emergency Management Reform and Phase 1 of IGEM’s Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season. This recognises the immediate opportunities for improvement within Victoria.

The recommendations arising from IGEM’s inquiries are targeted at uplifting and enhancing Victoria’s specific emergency management arrangements and once implemented will provide a solid foundation for the reforms recommended in the Royal Commission’s final report.

Victoria also notes that the IGEM is conducting Phase 2 of its Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season, which will specifically focus on relief and recovery. The IGEM is due to provide its findings and recommendations by mid-2021, which will need to be considered alongside the Royal Commission's findings related to recovery.
