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Victorian Preparedness Framework

A foundation for how we prepare, respond to, and recover from emergency incidents.


Resource details
Title Victorian Preparedness Framework
Owner Emergency Management Victoria
Date last updated May 2018
Resource type Framework

What is this about?

This preparedness framework enables and supports the building of resilience. It is a planning tool to assist in understanding the capabilities required through all stages of a major emergency.

Who is this resource for?

  • State Government
  • Local Government
  • Community Service Organisations
  • Non Government Organisations
  • Community Recovery Committees

Table of contents



  • Framework context
  • State Capability Principles
  • State Emergency Management Priorities

Emergency management capability model

Core capability elements

Identifying and assessing risk

Estimating capability requirements

Assessing our capability and capacity

We all have a role to play in emergency management

Core capabilities for emergency management

  • Planning
  • Community Information and Warnings
  • Operational Management
  • Intelligence and Information Sharing
  • Public Order and Community Safety
  • Building Community Resilience
  • Fire Management and Suppression
  • Fatality Management
  • Critical Transport
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Impact Assessment
  • Search and Rescue
  • Health Protection
  • Health Emergency Response
  • Relief Assistance
  • Environmental Response
  • Economic Recovery
  • Natural and Cultural Heritage Rehabilitation
  • Built Recovery
  • Social Recovery
  • Assurance and Learning

Better Prepared, Together

