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Good outcomes depend upon all providers delivering to their strengths

The role of training providers in developing and delivering industry-specific training.

Training providers

Quality private and community training providers funded through Skills First play a key role in developing and delivering industry-specific training programs, including niche skills, and programs for communities to connect people into learning.

Many are small-to-medium-sized enterprises, agile, industry-owned or have strong relationships with industry. These characteristics enable them to cater to the needs of some specialised occupational areas and skills needs across Victoria, by delivering both qualifications and skill sets. The community services sector, aged care and early childhood education and care are priority industries supported by industry-focused providers.

Others are community-based and use formal vocational education alongside community services support to prepare people for work and life. Developing foundation skills is key to successful outcomes.

Learn Local providers – generally well connected to their local TAFE Network providers – play a critical role in providing learners with foundation skills and pathways into the Victorian TAFE Network.

The Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) sector – overseen by the ACFE Board – is unique to Victoria. With strong community connections it can be the conduit to learning for people at all stages of life. Community providers focus on engagement and learning directed to building the confidence of participants through quality pre-accredited learning that aligns to learner, industry and community needs. As a result, participants are better prepared to pursue and succeed in further education and training. Providers are also strong in delivering literacy, numeracy, digital and employability skills.

Recently, the ACFE Board has supported providers to connect with local employers and deliver employment-relevant training for participants to achieve successful and sustainable employment outcomes.

ACFE Board

In 2022, the ACFE Board supported the training of a diverse cohort of vulnerable Victorians, including:

  • 12,051 culturally and linguistically diverse learners
  • 5,702 early school leavers
  • 7,804 unemployed learners
  • 6,288 people with disability.

Around 57% of ACFE Board-funded learners engage in further training and of those who undertake pre-accredited training and transition to accredited training, 78% complete and attain their accredited qualification.
