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Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy strategic priorities

Our response to the Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023 to 2033 strategic priorities.

Strategic priorities

Strategic priorities of the Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023 to 2033(opens in a new window) include:

  • a reimagined skills model
  • flexible education and training product design
  • timely education and training provision
  • enhanced workforce planning and attraction
  • stewardship of the skills transition.

Planning responses

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) will undertake a broad range of actions in the clean economy response that include:

  • clarifying demand for clean economy skills
  • providing targeted advice to attract workers
  • building leadership and management capability
  • facilitating professional development of workers
  • adapting or creating new or innovative qualifications.

The VSA has an immediate focus on supporting the development of the Victorian Energy Jobs Plan by providing data and insights in response to the Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023 to 2033.
