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New workers in regional Victoria

New workers expected in regional Victoria, 2023 to 2026

New workers expected in regional Victoria, 2023 to 2026

The number workers in the Mallee region is 46,300, this is expected to increase by 3,500 new workers by 2026.

In Wimmera Southern Mallee, there are 24,000 workers, expected to increase by 1,500 by 2026.

In Great South Coast, there are 56,400 workers, expected to increase by 4,000 by 2026.

In Barwon, there are 172,100 workers, expected to increase by 19,700 by 2026.

In Central Highlands, there are 94,800 workers, expected to increase by 9,600 by 2026.

In Loddon Campaspe, there are 116,500 workers, expected to increase by 10,700 by 2026.

In Goulburn, there are 74,500 workers, expected to increase by 7,600 by 2026.

In Ovens Murray, there are 69,400 workers, expected to increase by 7,000 by 2026.

In Gippsland, there are 127,700 workers, expected to increase by 11,700 by 2026.

Regional Skills Taskforces and Regional Skills Demand Profiles

To support regional skills and training initiatives, the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) convened Regional Skills Taskforces to develop seven Regional Skills Demand Profiles.

Regional Skills Taskforces, convened by the VSA, developed a Regional Skills Demand Profile(opens in a new window) for their local regions.

The profiles gather local insights and intelligence on skill demand pressures, future industry skills and training needs, and priority growth sectors within specific regions of Victoria.

Along with the Victorian Skills Plan, these profiles inform the Victorian Government’s investments for vocational education and skills development in the regions.
