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Resourcing and Measuring Progress

This 4-year plan is supported by the department’s leadership and requires them and each and every staff member to take action to achieve its vision.

An annual implementation plan including measures, timelines and accountabilities will enable the department to report our progress against the Workplace Gender Equality Indicators.

The department will resource and report on progress against the plan, including:

  • seeking approval by the executive team, with ongoing monitoring and reviews by the Culture, People, and Integrity Committee
  • training, development, and awareness building activities will continue to be offered to staff as an effective way to build a shared understanding and capabilities in the areas of gender equality, diversity and inclusion and to create a culturally safe organisation
  • reporting to the commission every two years on the results of our regular workforce gender audits, and progress on the actions
  • managing the development of an annual implementation plan (with a full-time equivalent in people division).

Year 1 (2022): Foundation

  • Strengthen governance and accountability
  • Improve data sources and systems
  • Build awareness and engagement
  • Review key policies.

Year 2 (2023): Developing practice and skills

  • Track and measure progress
  • Upskill and support our workforces
  • Empower all staff and leaders to understand, share knowledge and drive gender equality in the workplace.

Year 3 (2024): Embedding

  • Embed gender equality in systems, policies, business planning and practices
  • Address systemic and cultural barriers and resistance
  • Establish gender equality as everyone’s responsibility.

Year 4 (2025): Monitoring and continuous improvement

  • Monitor implementation and impacts to target interventions
  • Share knowledge and success to drive best practice and innovation
  • Drive continuous improvement in data and evidence.

We can all make a contribution to bring about change. Everyone has a role to play in improving gender equality in the department and this requires commitment at all levels to be successful.

Workplace Gender Equality


The Gender Equality Act provides scaffolding for workplaces to systemically address gender equality.


Systems change at the organisational level to support gender equality, including policies, guidelines and processes.

All staff

All staff understand gender equality and their role to create a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace.

People Managers and School Leaders

People managers and school leaders model and establish a culture that is safe, inclusive and respectful and supports gender equality.


Leaders demonstrate, promote and are accountable for gender equality, strong culture, and fair processes.
