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About the Suitability Panel

Who we are and what we do.

The Suitability Panel ensures the wellbeing and safety of children in out-of-home care. They investigate allegations of physical and sexual abuse by carers toward children and young people.

If the panel finds a carer has abused a child, the carer may no longer be allowed to care for children. Their registration may be disqualified and they may be removed from the Victorian Carer Register.

The panel will investigate instances of alleged abuse dating from 7 December 2002.

The panel consists of: 

  • a chairperson who is a legal practitioner 
  • members who have a tertiary qualification in: 
    • law 
    • social work 
    • psychology 
    • the treatment of sex offenders 
    • other relevant disciplines.

The Governor in Council appoints the chairperson and members. 

An executive officer and other staff supports the Panel. 

For more information, view Referral to the panel

The panel can decide whether: 

  • an out-of-home carer should be disqualified from being on the Victorian Carer Register
  • an out-of-home carer's disqualification should be removed.

