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Early Learning Leadership Forums 2022

The forums brought together service leaders in sessions across the state to focus on community connections.

People in an audience listening to a public speaker.

Throughout August and September 2022, the department’s Early Learning Leadership Forums gave those in leadership roles in delivering kindergarten programs across Victoria important opportunities to connect and collaborate.

Focusing on the theme ‘Access and equity: Facilitating genuine family and community partnerships’, the forums were held in 17 department areas across the state.

Each forum featured locally tailored, interactive sessions including guest speakers, case studies and panel discussions. The sessions gave attendees the opportunity to reflect and share their insights and experience.

Attendees heard from the Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep, Ingrid Stitt, about the Best Start, Best Life reform, along with an interview between ECEC consultant Catharine Hydon and Emma King, Chief Executive Officer of Victorian Council of Social Service.

Catharine and Emma called on the attendees to consider how, in their leadership roles, they can keep their strategic purpose in mind while delivering high-quality programs for all children.

It was fantastic to see so many leaders from across the state coming together to connect and collaborate.

The next leadership forums will take place in Term 1, 2023. Keep an eye on your inbox for details about dates and venues.

Find out more

If you want your service to take part in the Early Years Learning Leadership Forums, contact the Practitioner and Leadership Development team by email:
