Our Action Plan 2021-2022

Our Action Plan 2021-2022 outlines the actions, leads, timeframes and success measures to deliver our strategic outcomes.

Strategic outcome: Valued

Employee wellbeing, psychological and cultural safety are valued equally with productivity. Our organisational values are consistently demonstrated and we strive to create an inclusive workplace culture, free from any type of discrimination.

Overall success measures: Wellbeing, Psychosocial Safety, Workplace Flexibility, Diversity and Inclusion, and Equal Employment Opportunity on People Matter Survey.


1. Develop and implement a plan for our organisational values (Values Agreement) to make the values visible and to embed them in behaviours, actions, systems and processes for all employees, including those in formal leadership positions.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Support: Communications Team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarter 2, December 2021
  • Success measures: People Matter custom question scores – "Family Safety Victoria’s organisational values are visible and demonstrated in my workplace"

2. Implement Family Safety Victoria’s Family Violence Staff Support Policy and Guides.

  • Lead: OTC – Legal team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarter 2, September 2021
  • Success measures: People Matter question scores – "My organisation would support me if I needed to take family violence leave"

3. Distribute report on completion of Aboriginal Cultural Safety Training to managers and employees, including eLearning and a half-day workshop.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarterly, commencing September 2021
  • Success measures:
    • Training completion rates across managers and employees
    • People Matter question scores – "I feel culturally safe at work"

Strategic outcome: Empowered

Our people are given opportunities to grow and demonstrate leadership at every level and are able to work autonomously within their role. People feel able to contribute more of their skills and knowledge to make a difference.

Overall success measures: Senior Leadership, Autonomy and Role Clarity on People Matter Survey.


1. Develop a Leadership Charter as part of our Values Agreement that outlines the behaviours that can be expected of those in leadership positions in Family Safety Victoria, that encourage our leaders to demonstrate our values, to be authentic, humble, open, passionate, committed, and to embrace innovation.

  • Lead: Office of the CEO
  • Support: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarter 3, 2022
  • Success measures: People Matter scores on Manager and Senior Leadership questions including:
    • "Senior leaders consider the psychological health of employees to be as important as productivity"
    • "Managers and Senior leaders model my organisation's values"
    • "Senior leaders demonstrate honesty and integrity"

2. Based on the department’s capability framework, develop assessment tools for leaders and managers to appraise the current strengths and learning needs within their teams, and to evaluate themes across Family Safety Victoria.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarter 2, December 2021

3. Build stronger feedback channels for Family Safety Victoria employees to the Senior Leadership and Executive Management Teams via the PCAG, in order that PCAG be a genuine voice for staff.

  • Lead: PCAG
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarterly from September 2021
  • Success measures: People Matter scores on Safe to Speak Up and Safety Climate questions including:
    • "People in my workgroup are able to bring up problems and tough issues"
    • "My organisation consults employees on health and safety matters"

Strategic outcome: Connected

We have a culture of trust, collegiality and shared purpose, where people are encouraged and supported to collaborate and connect across organisational structures and where communication and information flow freely. We have the ability and systems to work flexibly and adaptably across teams and projects as our priorities shift.

Overall success measures: Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Workgroup Support.


1. Refine Family Safety Victoria’s internal communication plan to ensure agreed principles and practices for communicating across a range of channels and working environments, with a focus on ensuring staff are connected with their leaders and one another, feel informed and part of a collaborative, open and supportive working culture.

  • Lead: Service Design, Policy and Engagement Unit – Communications Team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarter 3, 2022
  • Success measures: People Matter question scores:
    • "I am able to work effectively with others outside my immediate workgroup"
    • "Workgroups across my organisation willingly share information with each other"
    • "My manager keeps me informed about what's going on"

2. Make improvements to the offboarding, exit and re-boarding procedures when employees leave Family Safety Victoria or return from extended absences.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarter 1, September 2021

Strategic outcome: Inspired

Our employees are given opportunities to reconnect to the organisation’s vision, purpose and the impact of their work by hearing and sharing the stories from leaders, colleagues, working partners, and clients; they are energised by the authenticity, passion and commitment of Family Safety Victoria's leadership.

Overall success measure: Engagement.


1. Provide more opportunities to continually reconnect employees with our purpose and the impact of our work, where employees can share and be inspired by the stories of their leaders, colleagues, working partners and community members, such as: external speaker events, a ‘living library’ for internal story-telling, spotlighting case studies on the Intranet, an online platform for sharing articles or media.

  • Lead: Service Design, Policy and Engagement Unit – Communications Team
  • Delivery timeframe: Ongoing
  • Success measures: People Matter question scores:
    • "I am proud to tell others I work for my organisation"
    • "My organisation inspires me to do the best in my job"
    • "I understand how my job contributes to my organisation's purpose"

2. Provide more platforms for staff recognition, such as awards for demonstrating organisational values or stories of achievement on the Intranet.

  • Lead: Service Design, Policy and Engagement Unit – Communications team
  • Delivery timeframe: Ongoing
  • Success measures: People Matter question scores – "I receive adequate recognition for my contributions and accomplishments"

Strategic outcome: Growing

Every employee, regardless of tenure or employment arrangement, is given opportunities to learn critical skills, experience professional growth and to engage in reciprocal skill-sharing with colleagues. We encourage a learning mindset and recognise mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.

Overall success measures: Learning and Development, Meaningful Work, and Innovation.


1. Deliver organisational resources and support to develop skills in human resources management, e.g. lunch and learns, process flow-charts, procedural guides, explanatory links to departmental systems and resources.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: From Quarter 1, September 2021 to Quarter 4, June 2022
  • Success measures: People Matter scores on Organisational Responsibility questions, including:
    • "My organisation encourages respectful workplace behaviours"
    • "My organisation makes fair recruitment and promotion decisions, based on merit"

2. Provide report of completion of the department’s Leading with Respect and Home Safely Every Day training programs for managers.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: Quarterly – commencing September 2021
  • Success measures:
    • Training completion rates among managers and senior leaders
    • People Matter scores on Manager Leadership and Support questions, including:
      • "My manager treats employees with dignity and respect"
      • "My manager models my organisation's values"
      • "My manager is committed to workplace safety"
      • "My manager provides me with enough support when I need it"

3. Uplift leader and manager capability in conducting performance and development plan discussions to ensure all employees are provided with clear pathways for performance and career growth including: goal-setting; mid-cycle review; end-of-cycle review and approving progression; managing underperformance.

  • Lead: OTC – People and Organisational Development team
  • Delivery timeframe: Ongoing
  • Success measures: People Matter question scores:
    • "My work performance is assessed against clear criteria"
    • "My manager has regular conversations with me about my learning and development"
    • "My manager provides feedback to me in a way that helps me improve my performance"
