Important information
Worker Contact Details campaign
As a worker registered with the Portable Long Service Authority, you may have received an SMS. The Authority is encouraging all workers to update their contact details via the Worker Portal. This is in case we need to communicate with you. For more information on how to register, please visit Worker Portal Registration.
The Information for Workers page will also provide you with information on portable long service and claiming long service benefits.
Information for employers
Find out how to register and learn about your obligations.
Information for workers
Check if you're eligible and find out how to register for the scheme and claim long service benefits.
Quarterly returns
A step-by-step guide for employers, explaining how to submit quarterly returns through the employer portal.
Forms and resources
Forms and resources for employers and workers under the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme.
News and events
Read recent news and book your place for current and future Authority events.
About us
Making long service benefits fairer for workers in community services, contract cleaning and security.
Covered sectors
Community services
Information for businesses employing community services workers and how portable long service applies.
Contract cleaning
Information for businesses employing contract cleaning workers and how portable long service applies.
Information for businesses employing security workers and how portable long service applies.