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Dr Lawrie Shears Outstanding Global Teaching and Learning Award Finalists

Dr Lawrie Shears Outstanding Global Teaching and Learning Award Finalists for the Victorian Education Excellence Awards program.

Huntingdale Primary School

Huntingdale Primary School is a global leader in bilingual education which is influencing and improving language learning and global education across the government school system.

The primary school’s Japanese Bilingual Language Immersion Education program, where the Victorian Curriculum is delivered equally in both Japanese and English, is cited internationally as an exemplar of sustained school-level bilingual provision.

Huntingdale’s inclusive approach integrates students’ diverse home languages into the content and delivery of the bilingual curriculum while contributing to the international advancement of innovative models of schooling, relevant to changing global contexts for student learning.

Most recently, Huntingdale Primary School partnered with the Australia-Japan Foundation through The University of Melbourne to develop new research into culture in bilingual contexts.

Developing and sustaining international partnerships and collaborating with local stakeholders, Huntingdale Primary School is empowering their students to become global citizens who understand their impact on the world and value the culture, language, and stories of all.

Werribee Secondary College

Werribee Secondary College welcomes students from over 50 nationalities and international students from 11 different countries.

Throughout 2022-23, the college engaged in extensive reflection through the Council of International Schools re-accreditation process for their International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, reassessing how to best create a learning environment that truly fosters global citizenship and intercultural learning.

For staff and students, global citizenship means empowered and empathetic students who demonstrate an appreciation of cultural diversity and take an active interest in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and global issues and perspectives. Intercultural learning occurs when increased knowledge and skills support the ability of students to interact meaningfully with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Collaboratively renewing their curriculum, the College has built more active partnerships with the local Bunurong people, the Aboriginal Wellness Foundation, and global learning partners. Initiating multiple global citizen-focused learning opportunities, they are renewing their intercultural and global priorities through the lessons and language of every classroom.

Brentwood Park Primary School

Brentwood Park Primary School’s innovative development of global education initiatives are providing local and international learning experiences that are building the intercultural capability of its staff and students.

With nearly a thousand students and over 35 languages spoken, and more than half the students speaking a language other than English, Brentwood Park Primary School is committed to improving global learning and engagement for their students.

Learning through engagement with their global peers, the school’s many initiatives include an Intercultural Capability Curriculum, a Chinese Language and Culture and Asia-literacy program, a Building Global Citizenship Program, the Sister School Partnership Program, teacher exchanges and local professional partnerships.

A whole-school approach to global learning and engagement has realised outstanding excellence and equity outcomes for their students. Positive outcomes on every measure, including engagement, capability, and learning achievement, testify to Brentwood Park Primary School’s success in establishing meaningful global connections and ensuring students’ intercultural learning can be enacted everyday.
