Step 1: Do a readiness assessment

Consider how the activity will benefit the participants, if you will include lived experience facilitators, and how you will create a safe space.

Use the following tool to assess how ready you and your team are to conduct an effective and meaningful participation activity:

Readiness assessment tool for child and youth co-design
Word 121.92 KB
(opens in a new window)

We are testing this form and would welcome any feedback via email:

Consider whether your team has the mix of personal and professional qualities, skills, experience and qualifications to run a participation activity.

You have to trust 'em, man, or why would you talk to them?...You gotta trust that they'll treat you right, that they will stand up for you and that they have the power to do something about it.

Young person, CCYP Empowerment and participation guide, 2021
Line of figures
