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Measuring progress and reporting

Measuring progress

DPC will undertake an annual workplace gender audit to help track progress against key actions and measures in the plan. This will help to monitor key metrics against the seven workplace gender equality indicators.

DPC will also develop a performance dashboard to help monitor and measure progress against the plan (and other diversity and inclusion plans). All Groups will be encouraged to use the dashboard to identify gender equality initiatives to include in their group’s strategic plan and monitor and report progress.


Progress against the plan, including key achievements, areas for improvement and proposed strategies to address persistent issues, will be reported on annually to the Board of Management via the Executive Champion for Gender Equality. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will also monitor progress against the implementation of the action plan via quarterly progress meetings.

As required under the Act, DPC will also report progress in relation to the strategies and actions set out in our plan to the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector every two years. The reporting process will also include regular communication of progress against the plan to DPC groups, employees, and employee representatives.


All strategies and actions will be set out in an implementation plan, a detailed internal monitoring and tracking document that will assist with monitoring and progress reporting. The implementation plan will outline the key timeframes for communicating, implementing, and reporting progress. The implementation plan will also outline the key measures that will help to report progress and outcomes against each workplace gender equality indicator.
