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The place-based approach best practice guide

Learn more about place-based approaches and best practice in funding, data and governance for better community outcomes.

Our place-based guide for the VPS

Place-based approaches are powerful tools that can help unlock the potential of Victorian communities. Want to learn more about place-based approaches or improve how you work as part of a place-based initiative? The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) has created a best practice guide specifically for the VPS. 

What is the place-based guide?

This guide is a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and elements that underpin best practice place-based approaches. It specifically explores how government can support place-based initiatives to achieve local impact.

Who is it for?

This guide is for Victorian Public Service employees, and can also be of value for anyone working in or with a place-based initiative. If you want to:

  • learn more about place-based approaches
  • improve how you work as part of a place-based initiative
  • identify elements of place-based work that may be useful for your day-to-day role

then this guide is for you.

Who created it?

The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZOG) developed this guide with a range of government, academic and community partners.
