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Place-based regionally specific public data sources

A list of publicly available data that you can access and analyse by geographical area.

Socioeconomic disadvantage

SEIFA is an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) product that ranks areas in Australia according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census of Population and Housing.

  • SEIFA has been created from Census data and consists of four indexes:
  • Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD)
  • Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD)
  • Index of Education and Occupation (IEO)
  • Index of Economic Resources (IER)

Regional specificity (postcode, LGA, SA1, SA2): SA1, SA2, LGA, Postal Area, State Suburb

Frequency: Every 5 years (latest avail: 2016; 2021 expected mid-2023)

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

How disadvantaged are the families of our students?:

  • How disadvantaged is our community based on SEIFA and how does this compare between the suburbs and in comparison to the state average?
  • What level of disadvantage as indicated in SEIFA exists across our community?

For more information visit Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)


Australian Bureau of Statistics – Regional summaries

The Australian Bureau of Statistics - regional summaries include Key Regional statistics such as:

  • Population and people
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Economy and Industry
  • Income
  • Education and employment
  • Health and disability
  • Family and community
  • Persons born overseas
  • Land and environment

Regional specificity: State

Frequency: Every 5 Years (latest avail: 2021)

Example of stakeholder questions solved: N/A

For more information visit Australian Bureau of Statistics – Regional summaries

Australian Bureau of Statistics – Community Profiles

The Australian Bureau of Statistics produces community profiles from the Australian Census, which are available for download by postcode or LGA. The community profiles contain comprehensive data on the following topic areas:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
  • Australian Defence Force Service
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Demographics
  • Distance and Method of Travel to Work
  • Dwelling and Household Characteristics
  • Employment and Income
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Family Characteristics
  • Health
  • Household Income and Housing Costs
  • Need for Assistance
  • Relationships and Children
  • Usual Address and Internal Migration
  • Unpaid Work and Care

Regional specificity: Postcode, LGA

Frequency: N/A

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • What are the ages, ATSI status, countries of birth, ethnicity and genders of residents (or refugees and migrants) within the specified community?
  • What income brackets do households in the specified community sit in? How does this compare between the suburbs in the specified region and the state average?
  • What is the average number of vehicles per dwelling?
  • What is the breakdown between home ownership and rentals?
  • What is the number of births and deaths in the specified region?
  • What languages are spoken at home?

For more information visit Australian Bureau of Statistics - Community profiles

Victoria in Future 2019 (VIF2019)

Victoria in Future 2019 (VIF2019) covers the period 2016 to 2056 for Victoria and the major regions. For Local Government Areas (LGA), smaller areas (VIFSAs) and Australian Statistical Geography Standard Areas Level 2 (SA2) and above, it covers the period to 2036. VIF2019 shows Victoria remains the fastest-growing state in the country with our population expected to reach 11.2 million by 2056.

Read an overview of the trends and projections in the VIF2019 report or download detailed data files covering topics including:

  • Total population
  • Components of population change
  • Population by age and sex
  • Households and household types
  • Dwellings by occupancy

Regional specificity: SA2 & LGA


  • Last report created in 2019 contains projections for Victoria and major regions covering the years 2016 to 2056
  • LGA and SA2 and above covers projections from 2016 to 2036

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • How is the community’s population expected to grow?

For more information visit Victoria in Future.

Demographics, Employment, Housing and Community space


TableBuilder is a flexible way to access detailed ABS data where it is possible to:

  • build tables based on underlying microdata
  • select the data items of choice for cross-tabulation
  • display counts, percentages and relative standard errors in the table
  • calculate means and medians for continuous variables such as income
  • use tables that are automatically treated to protect privacy and confidentiality before the output is provided
  • download tables as CSV, Excel and SDMX files
  • create, save and share customised geographic areas and recodes with other registered users
  • Some datasets are free, while other datasets are subject to an annual subscription charge.
  • The data that can be utilised in TableBuilder cover topic areas across the Census, including:
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • Australian Census Longitudinal Data
  • Businesses in Australia
  • Census of Population and Housing
  • Childhood Education and Care
  • Crime and Safety
  • Cultural Activities
  • Disability, Ageing and Carers
  • Education and Work
  • Employee Earnings and Hours
  • General Social Data
  • Income, Housing, Wealth and Expenditure
  • Labour Force
  • Migrants
  • Motor Vehicles
  • National Health Survey
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Patient Experiences
  • Preschool Education
  • Qualifications and Work
  • Sport and Physical Recreation
  • Work-Related Injuries
  • Work-Related Training and Adult Learning

Regional specificity: Varying (Postal Area, SA1-SA4, LGA)

Frequency: Varying (monthly, quarterly, annual, every 5 years)

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • How disadvantaged is our community based on SFOE, SEIFA and unemployment? How does this compare between the suburbs and the state average?
  • What are the ages, ATSI status, countries of birth, ethnicity and genders of residents (or refugees and migrants) within the specified community?
  • What are the rates of unemployment and long-term unemployment by ethnicity/background and age, in the specified region?
  • How does the rate differ for young people/adults and in different suburbs in the specified region?
  • What income brackets do households in the specified community sit in? How does this compare between the suburbs in the specified region and the state average?
  • What is the median mortgage or rent of residents within the specified community?
  • What is the number of births and deaths in the specified region?
  • What languages are spoken at home?
  • What proportion of houses and students have internet connection?
  • What proportion of households have access to a vehicle in the region?

For more information visit TableBuilder


Victoria's Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS)

Victoria's Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) identify strategic directions to further drive growth and prosperity in regional Victoria. REDS uses data and evidence to profile the region’s economy and identify key strategic directions to drive economic growth.

Each REDS is accompanied by:

  • A one-page summary
  • Supporting analysis providing detailed regional economic insights and data
  • Regional profiles: population, population growth, gross regional product
  • Employment: unemployment and average annual employment growth
  • Top employing sectors
  • Top sectors by gross value add
  • Strategic directions
  • Supporting analysis providing detailed regional economic insights and data

Regional specificity: Region

Frequency: 2022

For more information visit Regional Economic Development Strategies


Regional Wellbeing Survey

The Regional Wellbeing Survey covers at quality of life, wellbeing, and changes occurring in rural and regional communities, including:

  • Personal wellbeing index score from 0 to 100
  • Global life satisfaction score from 0 to 100
  • Satisfaction with standard of living score from 0 to 100
  • Satisfaction with health score from 0 to 100
  • Satisfaction with current life achievement
  • Satisfaction with personal relationships

Regional specificity: LGA (some grouped)

Frequency: 1–2 years

For more information visit Regional Wellbeing Survey

Safer Care Victoria

Safer Care Victoria provides supplementary tables that contain LGA breakdowns for:

  • Babies with birthweight <2,500 g by Local Government Area of residence, 2020 (all births)
  • Babies with birthweight <2,500 g by Local Government Area of residence, 2020 (live births only)
  • Babies born before 37 weeks' gestation by Local Government Area of residence, 2020 (all births)
  • Babies born before 37 weeks' gestation by Local Government Area of residence, 2020 (live births only)
  • Women giving birth in Victoria in 2020 aged younger than 20 years by Local Government Area of residence (all births)
  • Women giving birth in Victoria in 2020 aged younger than 20 years by Local Government Area of residence (live births only)
  • Women giving birth in Victoria who smoked at any gestation during pregnancy by Local Government Area, 2020

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Annual

For more information visit Safer Care Victoria – Victoria's Mothers Babies and Children Report

Dental Health Services Victoria

Dental Health Services Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, has developed oral health profiles to provide local government with population oral health data and risk factor indicators to undertake comprehensive public health and wellbeing planning.

  • The statistical profile of each Local Government Area (LGA) includes indicators relating to:
  • Tooth decay experience for children attending public dental services
  • Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations (PPH) due to dental conditions for children ages 0–9 years
  • Self-rated dental health

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Last report published 2020

For more information visit Dental Health Services Victoria.

VicHealth Indicators

Survey provides local governments with population health data to undertake comprehensive, evidence-based municipal public health and wellbeing planning in relation to:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Physical activity
  • General wellbeing incl. perception of safety
  • Healthy eating
  • Alcohol risks and culture
  • Smoking prevalence

Note: The Explore Your Data interface is about to be replaced with access to the VicHealth Indicators 2015 full data set.

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Alternating years until 2015 after which results will be combined with the VPHS survey.

Example of stakeholder questions solved: What proportion of residents agreed that they feel safe walking alone during the day?

For more information visit VicHealth indicators.

Interactive infectious disease report

The interactive infectious disease report contains a self-serve interactive reports for infectious diseases and other notifiable conditions in Victoria, including:

  • Event type
  • Rate per 100,000 of population
  • ERP (ABS estimated resident population)
  • Count of events YTD

Regional specificity: 

  • LGA
  • SA3
  • (Regional summaries should be interpreted with caution as may not reflect where infection was acquired)

Frequency: Daily

Example of stakeholder questions solved: What are the rates of HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma in the community?

For more information visit Interactive infectious disease report.

Victorian Population Health Survey

The Victorian Population Health Survey contains annual assessments of the health status and wellbeing of adults in Victoria. In 2020 the survey was co-opted to provide critical information to inform the COVID-19 health response.

  • Obesity/BMI
  • Smoking status
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Level of psychological stress
  • Self-reported health status
  • Life satisfaction
  • Social capital
  • Tolerance of diversity
  • Feelings of being valued by society
  • Neighbourhood tenure
  • Home ownership status
  • Frequency of interactions with friends and family
  • Poverty
  • Data requests can be made via the data request hub.

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Annually

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • What are the disease rates in the area?
  • What proportion of households are experiencing financial distress?
  • What proportion of families ran out of money to buy food in the past 12 months?

For more information visit the Victorian Population Health Survey.

Victorian Health Services (VAHI) – Routine First Appointments

A routine first appointment is where a patient has been referred to a specialist clinic within a hospital that provides planned, non-admitted services and the clinician determines the patient should be seen within 365 days from the date the referral was received.

Data can be filtered by specialty clinic and health service:

  • first appointments
  • median waiting time
  • 90th percentile waiting time
  • percentage of patients seen within recommended time.

Regional specificity: By Hospital

Frequency: Quarterly

Example of stakeholder questions solved: What are the Health services waitlists and waiting times?

For more information visit Routine First Appointments.

Victorian Health Services (VAHI) – performance report

The Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI) was created as part of Victorian Government reforms to overhaul quality and safety across Victoria’s healthcare system. By analysing and sharing information across Victoria’s healthcare system, we will build an accurate picture of hospital and health service performance:

Ambulance Victoria performance across Victoria, including data on life-threatening and time critical incidents.

  • Waiting times for emergency and routine dental care
  • Number of elective surgery patients on the waiting list
  • Emergency department performance across Victoria, including data on waiting times.
  • Hospital admission and discharge
  • Mental health service performance data on hospital admission, readmission and follow-up care.
  • Patient experience
  • Quality and safety
  • Safety culture
  • Specialist clinic waiting times

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Quarterly

For more information visit Victorian Health Services performance report

Health Workforce Data tool

The Health Workforce Data tool is available to the general public and allows access to different Health Workforce Datasets including the National Health Workforce Dataset. Users can build their own customised tables for different professions, geographic regions and/or different demographic and health workforce variables. Variables include:

  • Profession
  • Demographics
  • Employment
  • Role, Area and Setting
  • Years in the workforce
  • Hours worked
  • Geography

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Annual

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • How many Indigenous nurses work in the Mildura LGA?

For more information visit Health Workforce Data tool

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) produces health data available for download on specific health topics that may be beneficial for regionally specific community focused analyses.

These include:

Regional specificity: Varying depending on dataset (LGA, SA3, SA4 and Primary Health Network)

Frequency: Varying depending on dataset (2016–2021)

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • What is the number of deaths in the specified region?
  • What are the causes of death and occurance rate?
  • What are the leading causes of death in the specified region?
  • What is the GP density in the specified region compared to Victoria?
  • What is the proportion of pregnant women recorded as smokers in the specified region?

For more information visit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Geographical Data

The AIHW produces a range of publicly available data by varying geographical levels that is available for download.

The topic areas covered are extensive across the health and welfare domains and the geographical breakdowns include, differ depending on the dataset.

Regional specificity: Varying (GCCSA, IREG, LGA, PHA, Postcode, SA2, SA3, SA4)

Frequency: Varying (2017–2022)

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • Varying questions that required specific geographical disaggregation across primary and community health, mortality, housing and homelessness.

For more information visit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Social Health Atlas of Australia

The Social Health Atlas of Australia provides interactive maps presenting the latest Social Health Atlases of Australia and are available for the whole of Australia by Population Health Area, Local Government Area, and Primary Health Network, and by Indigenous Area for the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander population.

Further topics and indicators across all geographies will be made available in future releases as they become available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Published 2022

For more information visit Social Health Atlas of Australia.

Health and Community Safety

Victorian Alcohol and Other Drug statistics (AODStats)

By Turning Point

The AODStats – Victorian alcohol and other drug statistic report contains information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria, including:

  • Ambulance attendance
  • Hospital admissions
  • Serious road injuries during high alcohol hours
  • Deaths related to alcohol and illicit drugs
  • Assaults during high, medium and low alcohol hours
  • Family violence attributed to definite or possible alcohol consumption
  • Liquor licensing data
  • Needle and syringe programs

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Periodically. Each chart has a last update indicator Eg Last update: 30 September 2021

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What proportion of family incidents affect women?

For more information visit AODStats – Victorian alcohol and drug statistics (AODStats).

Crime Statistic Agency

The Crime Statistic Agency contains data on family violence incidents by sex, and age group at LGA level for recent data including:

  • Criminal Incidents Dashboard
  • Offences Recorded Dashboard
  • Alleged Offender Incidents Dashboard
  • Victim Reports Dashboard
  • Family Violence Dashboard
  • Crime by area (Map and table)

Regional specificity: LGA (some data by suburb)

Frequency: Annually

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • What is the number of family violence incidents?
  • What proportion of family incidents affect women?
  • What ages are women affected by police-recorded incidents of family violence

For more information visit Crime Statistic Agency.

Prisoner and offender statistics

The Annual Prisoner Statistical Profile includes demographic and sentencing characteristics, such as sex, age, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, as well as prior imprisonment, the most serious offence or charge associated with the period of imprisonment, and effective sentence length. It also includes:

  • Annual Offender Statistical Profile 2010 to 2020 – The data presents the statistical profile of offenders managed by Community Correctional Services (CCS) as at 30 June each year.
  • Systemwide monthly time series prison and Community Corrections, in tabular form including:
  • Number of prisoners by gender and warrant status.
  • Monthly number of receptions to prisons by gender warrant status
  • Monthly number of discharges from prisons by gender and warrant status.
  • Number of offenders by offender type.

Other statistical reports:

  • Key statistics on the Victorian prison system 2009–10 to 2013–14
  • Statistical profile of the Victorian prison system 1999–00 to 2010–11
  • Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report
  • Cost-Benefit Outcomes for Prisoners and Offenders
  • Women in the Victorian Prison System

Regional specificity: Statewide

Frequency: Monthly

For more information visit Prisoner and offender statistics.

Education, Families, Health and Community safety

School Entrant Health Questionnaire

the School Entrant Health Questionnaire is a parent report instrument that records parent's concerns and observations about their child's health and well-being as they begin primary school in Victoria. It includes information such as:

  • Child and family demographics
  • General health
  • Oral health
  • Speech/Language
  • Service use (3 1/2 year old health check, Optometrist, Paediatrician, Dentist, Audiologist, Kinder program participation
  • Behavioural and emotional wellbeing
  • Family stress

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Annually

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • What proportion of families report experiencing high stress prior to enrolling their child in school?
  • What proportion of parents reported high or highest level of stress? Is this different for one vs two parent families?
  • What proportion of children's parents reported they had used a health service in the previous 12 months? (Dentist, Optometrist, Speech pathologist, Paediatrician, Audiologist)

For more information visit School Entrant Health Questionnaire.

Education and Demographics

Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)

The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) results reported in public tables show the number of children scoring in the categories developmentally vulnerable, developmentally at risk and developmentally on track in the following domains:

  • Physical health and wellbeing 
  • Social competence
  • Emotional maturity
  • Language and cognitive skills (school-based)
  • Communication skills and general knowledge
  • It brings together public data on children and families and allows you to look at how children are faring in the context of the community they’re growing up in.

Regional specificity: LGA, SA2

Frequency: Every 3 years

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What proportion of students enrolling in school have sufficient social/language/cognitive skills?

For more information visit Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).


MySchool contains demographic, financial and performance data for individual schools across government, independent and Catholic sectors.

For more information visit MySchool.


Senior secondary completion and achievement information

The Senior Secondary Completion and Achievement Information (previously known as Post Compulsory Completion and Achievement Information) provides data on school programs and student outcomes for all schools delivering the VCE.

Data includes:

  • VCE completion rates
  • median study scores
  • percentages of study scores over 40
  • VCAL enrolment figures
  • Tertiary application rates
  • These data are intended to provide information on the programs and pathway options offered at each school.
  • By School

Regional specificity: LGA, SA2

Frequency: Every 3 years

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What is the rate of school completion?

For more information visit Senior secondary completion and achievement information.

On Track Survey – Victorian Government 

On Track Survey results are of Victorian school leavers who completed Year 12 or equivalent in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey. The On Track survey seeks to offer a consistent and comprehensive approach to monitoring the transitions of school leavers; Report the information to schools, TAFE institutions and other education providers, organisations concerned with assisting young people, policy makers, parents and students. The survey includes data on:

  • Total number of students completed year 12
  • Total consented to On Track survey / Total respondents
  • Bachelor degree enrolled %
  • Deferrals %
  • TAFE/VET enrolled %
  • Apprentice/Trainee %
  • Employed %
  • Looking for work %

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Annually

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What pathways do the community's students transition to from school?

For more information visit On Track survey.

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) VOCStats

VOCSTATS is a tool that allows users to construct their own tables, via an interactive web interface, using databases containing data from various National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) collections. The most granular data is available to those with a free log in.

The data are presented in databases under the following headings:

  • Apprentices and trainees
  • Government-funded students and courses
  • Total VET students and courses
  • VET student outcomes
  • VET in schools

These databases are based on the NCVER collections; National Apprentice and Trainee Collection, Students and Courses (National VET Provider Collection), National Student Outcomes Survey and the National VET in Schools Collection.

Regional specificity: SA2

Frequency: Annual

Example of stakeholder questions solved: 

  • Are adults in the community participating in TAFE or University?
  • What is the number of apprentice and trainee cancellations and withdrawals annually in the community? From which fields do they withdraw?

For more information visit The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) VOCStats.

Training is the national register of Vocational Education and Training (VET). You can conduct advance searches for training providers filtering for those registered with the VRQA (Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority) and Organisation / Registered Training Organisation (RTO) search.

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Current registrations

Example of stakeholder questions solved: What are the locations of Registered Training Organisations?

For more information visit

Study Melbourne

Use the Study Melbourne provider finder to search for a university, college or school.

Regional specificity: Melbourne / Regional Victoria

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What are the locations of Universities?

For more information visit Study Melbourne.

Course Seeker

Use the Course Seeker search function to find courses by location.

Regional specificity: State and postcode

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What are the locations of early childhood providers?

For more information visit Course Seeker.


FindMySchool uses third party services to match an address to a school zone.

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What are the locations of schools?

For more information visit Find My School.

Early childhood education

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority – National registers

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority works with all governments to provide guidance, resources and services to support the sector to improve outcomes for children.

The national registers contain information about approved education and care services and providers. These registers are updated daily from data held in the National Quality Agenda IT System

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Current approved services and providers

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What are the locations of childcare services?

For more information on the National Registers visit Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority.

Starting Blocks

Find Childcare tool to search, shortlist and compare Children’s education and care services.

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • How many childcare places are available?

For more information visit Starting Blocks.

Find a Kinder

Search for long day care and kinder program providers.

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What are the locations of kindergartens?

For more information visit FindaKinder.


Employment Forecast Dashboard

The Employment Forecast Dashboard includes information on pathways (i.e. 19% have a higher ed. qualification), top five jobs and growth rates of different industries.

Regional specificity: Region

Frequency: Census and annual data

For more information visit the Employment Forecast Dashboard.

Australian Bureau of Statistics – Labour Force Statistics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics provides Labour Force Statistics including:

  • Headline estimates of employment, unemployment, underemployment, participation and hours worked from the monthly Labour Force Survey
  • Data from the monthly Labour Force Survey are released in two stages:
  • Labour Force, Australia – which contains headline estimates of employment, unemployment, underemployment, participation and hours worked
  • Labour Force, Australia, Detailed – which contains detailed data not included in the first release
  • The second release of Labour Force Survey data includes the latest detailed monthly and quarterly data. Some information, including industry, occupation, sector, job duration, and retrenchment, is only available for February, May, August and November.

Regional specificity: SA4

Frequency: Monthly

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What is the proportion of young people 17–24 in full-time education or employment in the specified region?
  • What are the rates of unemployment and long-term unemployment by ethnicity/background and age, in the specified region?
  • How does the rate differ for young people/adults and in different suburbs in the specified region?
  • What proportion of young people are receiving unemployment benefits?

For more information visit Australian Bureau of Statistics.

National Skills Commission – Labour Market Insights

The National Skills Commission's Labour Market Insights (LMI) website provides up-to-date information about the Australian jobs market including information about numbers of job vacancies, employment and unemployment rates and employer experiences when advertising for and recruiting staff.

The website includes a range of research and reports on LMI as well as labour market trends and characteristics data for regions, industries and occupations.

The insights primarily utilises labour force statistics from the ABS and includes analyses by SA2 and SA4 for differing topics.

Key topic areas include:

  • Labour market updates
  • Migration
  • Employers insights for job seekers
  • Recruitment insights
  • Occupation, industry and regional profiles

Regional specificity: SA2, SA4

Frequency: Varying, depending on reports (weekly, monthly, quarterly)

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • How many workers are employed by the agricultural industry in the North West area?
  • In which industries do regional employers operate?
  • What is the rate of unemployment in the specified region?
  • What Job vacancies are available for early education and primary teaching in the specified region?
  • What job vacancies are available for allied health positions in the specified region?

ABS – Job Vacancies

The ABS provides results of the quarterly Job Vacancies Survey containing estimates of job vacancies classified by industry, sector and state/territory.

Regional specificity: State

Frequency: Quarterly

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What are the job vacancies for early education positions?

For more information visit ABS Job vacancies.


Child and family services information, referral and support teams (Child FIRST)

Child and Family Information, Referral and Support Team (Child FIRST) provides a central referral point to a range of community-based family services and other supports within each of the Child FIRST catchment areas. 

Child FIRST, as the access point for family services, is progressively transitioning to The Orange Door.

LGAs that have already transitioned to The Orange Door are contained in a list with contact details.

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What family violence services and refuges are available in the area?
  • Are families with young children supported?

For more information visit Child and family services information, referral and support team (CHILD First).

Orange Door

The Orange Door is part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence. It strengthens support for children and families. Orange Door contains a searchable list and contact details for family services.

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Current locations

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What family violence services and refuges are available in the area?
  • Are families with young children supported?

For more information visit Orange Door.

Housing and Community space

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) rental report

The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) rental report contains:

  • Affordable lettings by local government area
  • Moving annual rents by suburb
  • Quarterly median rents by local government area

Regional specificity: LGA and Suburb

Frequency: Quarterly

For more information visit Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) rental report.

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) Office Locations

Department offices are situated in various locations within Victoria. This section provides location information in alphabetical order by suburb. Unless otherwise stated, office hours are 9am-5pm week days.

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: current office locations

For more information visit Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Housing Assistance

Contains data downloads for governments and community organisations assistance to Australians facing difficulties securing stable and affordable housing, including:

Regional specificity: LGA, SA4

Frequency: Annually

Property Value

On the Property Value website you will be able to find insights on your property.

Suburb profiles includes:

  • Mean property sale price
  • Median price change
  • Suburb demographics (age, gender, income brackets)
  • local schools

Regional specificity: Suburb

Frequency: Results by recent activity

For more information Property Value.


VicPlan is a tool that you can use to view, query and create your own property reports. More than a mapping tool, it's a gateway to a whole range of planning information.

The interactive single search bar allows you to search for a range of information such as:

  • Address
  • Lot on Plan
  • SPI
  • Heritage number
  • Locality
  • Municipality and more

Planning property reports can be generated by searching for a property of parcel and contain information such as:

  • Planning overlay
  • A planning scheme setting out policies and requirements for the use, development and protection of land.
  • Designated bushfire prone areas
  • Native vegetation

Regional specificity: Property address

Frequency: unsure

For more information visit VicPlan.

Vicmap Features of Interest

Vicmap Features of Interest Product contains a series of datasets. such as parks, hospitals, health centres, landmarks, geographical and locality points

Regional specificity: Address

Frequency: Updated regularly Last update October 2022

For more information visit Vicmap Features of Interest.

Visualising the Evidence

The Visualising the Evidence mapping series is a free tool that allows you to choose the data you want to see for your community. You can use the tool to find:

  • The location of schools, early childhood services, parks and public transport
  • Socioeconomic measures, such as Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)
  • Proportion of children who are read to regularly
  • Household income
  • Immunisation and/or breastfeeding rates.

Regional specificity: LGA, SA2

Frequency: Every 3 years

For more information visit Visualising the Evidence.


Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel & Activity (VISTA)

The Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) is an ongoing survey of household travel activity. A detailed picture of Victorian household travel is collected through VISTA to help the government make better transport and land-use planning decisions. It includes:

Regional specificity: LGA

Frequency: Periodically. (last survey results 2018)

For more information visit Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel & Activity (VISTA).

PTV Monthly operational performance report

PTV analytics is a platform for collecting, analysing and distributing public transport information to people within and beyond PTV. It includes:

  • Data contains the number and percentage of metropolitan tram operational performance and metropolitan and regional train performance:
  • On time performance
  • Cancellations
  • Short, skipped or bypassed.

Regional specificity (postcode, LGA, SA1, SA2): By transport route

Frequency: Monthly

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What is the rate of public transport in the community?

For more information visit PTV Monthly operational performance report.

Public Transport Victoria (PTV) – Maps

At the Public Transport Victoria (PTV) website you can find maps for public transport services across Melbourne and Victoria. High-contrast versions of many of our maps may be suitable for people with a vision impairment.

Regional specificity: By transport route

Frequency: Current transport routes

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • Locations of public transport stops and community infrastructure

For more information visit PTV's Maps.

Vic Roads – Monthly new vehicle registrations

This datasets contains the summary details of motor vehicle registrations for each postcode.

Regional specificity (postcode, LGA, SA1, SA2): Suburb

Frequency: Monthly

Example of stakeholder questions solved:

  • What is the number of vehicles registered per dwelling?

For more information visit Vic Roads Monthly new vehicle registrations.
