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Digital technology guidelines

A core set of guidelines will unlock greater value from technology investments.

Using these guidelines to make investment, development and adoption decisions will improve the timeliness and quality of service. Risks and overheads incurred for technology operations across the government can also be reduced.

By avoiding duplication, we can focus our innovation efforts on maximising the benefits of secure and efficient software, systems and environments.

Our core set of digital technology guidelines

Digital by default

We will cultivate an ever-expanding suite of intelligent, connected, customer centric services supported by digital infrastructure. Hence removing the need for manual processes, no matter the contact channel they are accessed from.

Strategic investment models

We will adopt a 4-step approach to software selection:

  1. If we have it and it is fit for purpose, reuse it.
  2. If we do not have it, subscribe to it (Software as a Service).
  3. If you cannot subscribe to it buy it off the shelf.
  4. If all options are closed, only then consider building it ourselves.

(Reuse before Rent before Buy before Build)

Responsive design

Services will be designed to adjust to the user, the device being used and how they are accessing the service.

Data sharing and open data

We will continue to share information and data to the maximum extent possible to promote transparency and deliver value to Victorians.

Cloud by design

We will adopt a 2-step approach to infrastructure and platform selection:

  1. We will design for cloud.
  2. Only if cloud is unsuitable will we invest in on-premise infrastructure.

Configuration over customisation

Look to adapt processes to align with software capability not the other way around.

Fostered capability

We will focus on fostering and cultivating human-centred capabilities such as curiosity and critical thinking to focus us on the desired user experience.

Technology and data are assets

We will manage our technology, data and information as valuable assets that inform decision-making and enable evidence-led policy-making and service design.
