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The Victorian Government is embracing the opportunities that digital brings.

Digital technologies touch almost every aspect of our lives, changing the way we live, work, learn, shop, travel and connect with our families and friends. In a digital world, our success increasingly depends on our ability to seize the opportunities that digital technologies bring.

But digital is about more than just technology. It’s also about using new skills and ways of thinking to create solutions for the digital age.

For government, this means finding ways to understand and meet the needs of individuals, communities and businesses and designing services around people’s lives.

Victoria is embracing the opportunities that digital brings.

This includes transforming the way government itself works, so that we operate in more responsive and modern ways and use new technologies and skills to deliver the services that Victorians expect. Investing in digital infrastructure is more important than ever.

Digital infrastructure refers to the combination of technology and what we need to make it work, innovate and deliver, such as standards, policies and processes. Just as traditional infrastructure like roads, water and electricity is critical for going about our lives, strong digital infrastructure allows us to interact, create and innovate.

Our vision “Thriving Victoria. A digital Victoria. For you.”

The Digital Strategy 2021–26 sets the vision for creating a digital, thriving Victoria. It charts our direction for delivering better, fairer and more accessible services, creating a digital-ready public sector and growing a thriving digital economy.

For us, this means making life and business easy for all, creating a connected, safe and inclusive Victoria and ensuring we are future-ready and centred on individuals, communities and businesses.
