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Strong policy outcomes — key initiatives

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This objective pursues policy, service and administration excellence and reform. It leads the public sector response to significant state issues, policy challenges and projects. It supports the effective administration of government and the delivery of policy and projects that enable increased productivity and competitiveness in Victoria.

DPC’s outcomes on the following key initiatives have helped us achieve the ‘Strong policy outcomes’ strategic objective.

Supporting the government’s response to COVID-19

DPC played a key role in supporting government decision making in response to COVID-19. This included supporting government decision making at National Cabinet and the Coordinating Ministers Committee of Cabinet by working across government to coordinate advice on policies to help manage COVID-19. This includes supporting the vaccination rollout, Victoria’s approach to quarantine and management of major events and international arrivals.

DPC, along with the Department of Health (DH) and Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), provided support to develop a national partnership agreement on COVID-19 to formalise the Australian Government’s commitment to the response and bringing together the private and public hospital systems to work as one.

DPC worked closely with its counterparts in the Australian Government on the delivery of the Victorian Quarantine Facility.

Since February 2021 DPC has collaborated with DH to coordinate and implement Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine National Roll-out Strategy to deliver equitable access to vaccinations for all eligible Victorians. DPC has been working with DH to ensure Victorians have safe, efficient and easy access to vaccines as soon as they are eligible and has supported engagement through National Cabinet to ensure Victoria’s priorities are considered under the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccination program.

Further, the 2020–21 ‘Whole of Victorian Government (WoVG) emergency management forums, meetings and exercises facilitated’ performance measure result is significantly higher than the target due to an increased number of meetings to coordinate the government’s response to COVID-19.

COVID-19 response — public health communications campaigns

In 2020–21 DPC’s central Communications and Campaigns teams led the WoVG communications, which reviewed and delivered over 2,000 communication materials. Major advertising campaigns were delivered at a rapid pace to support the public to engage with public health orders. There was a major focus on reaching culturally and linguistically diverse audiences, with most campaigns translated into 57 different languages, complemented by major community engagement efforts and strong partnerships with community and religious leaders. Collaboration across departments was key, with a digital platform established as a central source of COVID‑19 information.

As the COVID-19 response evolved, so too did the communications response. Efforts in 2021 focussed on supporting the uptake of the Service Victoria QR code check-in service, and vaccination. A strong body of evidence has been developed as a result of the work of the central communications teams, in how to effectively ensure consistency of message, increase outreach to hard-to-reach communities and deliver crisis communications over a sustained period.

Supporting self-determined, place-based responses to COVID-19 impacts

DPC delivered a $10 million COVID-19 Aboriginal Community Response and Recovery Fund as part of a $23 million WoVG Aboriginal-specific COVID-19 package. The fund was established to support Aboriginal Victorians in delivering community-led initiatives to respond to the impacts of COVID-19.

Funding was awarded to 81 Aboriginal Victorians, Aboriginal organisations and Traditional Owner Groups across the state, totalling more than $9.9 million. A range of small, medium and large organisations were supported, with 48 metropolitan-based initiatives and 33 rural or statewide initiatives. The fund had a rigorous,self-determined assessment process that involved relevant departments responsible for administering the funding; Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation members of the former COVID-19 Aboriginal Community Taskforce; and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs.

Funded initiatives addressed a range of critical COVID-19 impacts:

  • emergency relief such as food hampers and vouchers for essential goods
  • outreach and brokerage such as wraparound housing supports and outreach to cohorts such as Elders and young people disengaged from school
  • cultural strengthening such as cultural healing initiatives, cultural camps, a social enterprise cafe and events on Country
  • improved social and emotional wellbeing such as counselling and other therapeutic supports, mental health literacy and community sporting events.

With the remaining funds, DPC has engaged an Aboriginal organisation, Inside Policy, to evaluate the initiatives and provide an evidence base for self-determined responses. This evaluation is due by the end of 2021.

Keeping Victorians informed and connected through COVID-19

To help Victorians stay informed about how to comply with COVID-19 restrictions, Digital Victoria launched the Coronavirus Victoria hub website. The website includes helpful topics such as advice for primary close contacts and households, public exposure sites (including maps), the Victorian Travel Permit System, the Radius maps, where to get tested and how to book vaccine appointments. Much of this content has been translated into more than 50 languages to support culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The COVID-19 Victoria hub had more than 50 million visits in 2020–21.

Digital Victoria launched Victoria Together in May 2020, which collated Victoria’s top digital content from cultural organisations and promoted it across the Victoria Together website and social channels. Over 2020–21 Victoria Together provided Victorians with homegrown entertainment during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the State of Music — the flagship content series watched by more than one million Victorians. It connected isolated or disadvantaged communities to experiences from leading cultural institutions and community organisations and created an income stream for Victorian content creators, including making $1.45 million in grants available to
29 grassroots organisations.

Data insights to enable better decisions and outcomes powered by analytics

In 2020–21 the Victorian Centre for Data Insights (VCDI) enhanced the Victorian Government’s crisis and recovery decision making by bringing together and presenting COVID-19-related data from across the Victorian Government and other sources. As a result, the government is using these digital tools to achieve significant productivity improvements, inform targeted policies and programs, and tackle mission-critical responsibilities and recovery efforts in a more responsive manner. VCDI is doing this through rapid reporting, mitigating new data-related risks and providing government with timely and accurate intelligence — efforts that rely on access to trusted, quality data.

VCDI has also built strong and effective strategic partnerships with key Victorian public service (VPS) agencies, covering diverse policy areas from emergency management, to improving health prevention, road safety and financial reporting. VCDI has also focused on informing priority policy and service delivery through data sharing and use, including continuing to build an enduring linked social services data resource and developing a WoVG approach to data sharing policy. VCDI’s use of data analytics, data management/governance and technical and strategic advice continues to enhance the Victorian Government’s use of data to improve outcomes for the community and build data expertise across the VPS.

Cybersecurity strategy for better detection, prevention and response to cyber attacks

In 2020–21 Digital Victoria finished implementing the Victorian Government Cyber Security Strategy 2016–2020 to improve cyber resilience and governance in government and major infrastructure and service providers.

This work included support for more than 140 organisations with over 900 cyber incidents through: the Victorian Government Cyber Incident Response Service; completing an integrated Victorian Government Security Operations Centre model; developing and deploying the Emergency Services Cybersecurity Program; and improving procurement mechanisms to allow government to access private sector cyber services more easily.

DPC’s Cyber Security Unit contributed to the cyber maturity of Victorian public bodies with the rollout of cyber training for VPS employees; cyber training for directors and board members in the health and water sectors; and the survey of the cyber maturity of critical infrastructure and government entities against Essential Eight, a series of baseline mitigation strategies recommended for organisations taken from the Australian Government’s Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents.

Digital Victoria also developed a new cyber strategy, which will increase the focus to include the Victorian economy and community.

Modernising systems and processes to improve government productivity

DPC continued to modernise departmental processes through the operation and delivery of common platforms that are accessible across government, including Single Digital Presence (SDP) and the WoVG Application Programming Interface Capability Program.

SDP provides a sustainable, scalable, secure and accessible publishing platform that reduces the cost and time to deliver high-quality digital presences for government agencies. SDP has made it easier for Victorians to find, access, understand and use Victorian Government information.

In 2020–21 SDP enhanced the platform’s security, safety and reliability, improved its governance and processes, and delivered training programs to uplift capability across government. More content was migrated onto SDP, with 100 new or migrated web presences consolidated onto SDP from nine departments. SDP scaled to 111 million annual sessions across the platform while continuing to develop and support existing users. SDP trained more than 500 VPS staff to use the platform’s content management system and more than 800 VPS staff on writing for the web. The SDP community of practice has grown to 480 members, with 250 of those attending training for Google Analytics to help use insights to improve user experiences.

In 2020–21 the WoVG Application Programming Interface Capability Program continued to provide departments with a range of modern technology products and professional services that support data-sharing initiatives across all government departments. The program improved its platform architecture and approach to security, consulted with departments to discover and implement integrations for key data sharing use cases and built capability within departments to use self-service tools.

During 2020–21 the program supported the build of a contact tracing solution underpinned by secure and robust data sharing. It supported Family Safety Victoria’s implementation of the recommendations in the Royal Commission into Family Violence through integrations with the DH child protection system and Corrections Victoria’s prisoner information systems. Departments are using the platform for back-office financial system integrations, as well as integrations with the Australian Government for access to document verification systems and for small business grant approvals.

Prioritising open and efficient IT spend and improving government digital processes

DPC continued to prioritise open information, efficient digital services, strong modern systems/technology and increased staff capability. In 2020–21 DPC:

  • continued to support transparent government IT project spend through coordinating and publishing the Victorian Government IT dashboard (which shows the status of government IT projects with a total value of $1 million or more)
  • developed a WoVG assurance and investment management framework for digital and IT projects. This framework will maximise value through more strategic IT investments, prevent project cost overruns, support project teams to deliver successful outcomes, and ensure transparency and visibility of project benefits
  • worked with all parts of government to improve the success rate of IT-enabled business projects through delivering capability uplift programs.

Fostering innovation and new ways of working in the public sector through human-centred design

Following the launch of the Human-Centred Design Playbook — an online practical guide for VPS staff who are designing, procuring or managing human-centred design projects — Digital Victoria has continued to embed human-centred design across government to ensure government services are aligned with the needs and desires of Victorians.

In 2020–21 the website ( has been visited more than 27,600 times and over 2,700 copies of the playbook have been downloaded. In September 2020 DPC launched an online training course in human-centred design to accompany the playbook and has served more than 350 people from 74 government entities and departments from across the VPS. The playbook was a finalist in the 2020 Victorian Premier Design Awards, selected as one of five finalists for strategic design.

Building safer and more resilient Victorian communities

In collaboration with all Victorian Government departments, DPC has continued to strengthen emergency management arrangements and implement a strong reform agenda in response to the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season, IGEM’s Review of 10 Years of Reform in the Emergency Management Sector and the COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry.

DPC, in partnership with Emergency Management Victoria, also continues to work with other jurisdictions through the Australia–New Zealand Emergency Management Committee to strengthen disaster resilience by addressing the National Federation Reform Council priority recommendations from the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.

Further in 2020–21, DPC supported Victorian and national counterterrorism reforms through the Australia–New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee and worked to implement the recommendations of the Expert Panel on Terrorism and Violent Extremism Prevention and Response Powers.

DPC also continued to coordinate the protection of Victorian Government personnel and its information and physical assets through implementing protective security measures.

Supporting engagement with the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System

Before releasing its final report on 2 March 2021, DPC supported the government’s engagement with the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System in partnership with the former Department of Health and Human Services and Mental Health Reform Victoria. Combined with its interim report, the royal commission made 74 recommendations to government, setting out a 10-year reform journey to ensure all Victorians get the mental health support they need, when they need it and close to home.

In partnership with DH, DPC worked to establish governance structures to facilitate government-wide approaches to improve mental health and wellbeing and oversee the implementation of the royal commission’s recommendations. These include a Mental Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Committee, a Mental Health and Wellbeing Victorian Secretaries’ Board Committee, a Suicide Prevention and Response Victorian Secretaries’ Board Sub-Committee and an Interdepartmental Committee on Mental Health and Wellbeing Promotion.

DPC will continue to work with DH to support and monitor the government’s implementation of the reforms and delivery of the record $3.8 billion investment package contained in the 2021–22 Victorian Budget.

Supporting the modernisation of the youth justice system

In 2020–21 DPC continued to support the implementation of the Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2020–2030 and is coordinating work to support the introduction of a new Youth Justice Bill. DPC also continued to support work to modernise Victoria’s youth justice system via the new youth justice centre in Cherry Creek.

DPC has supported the implementation of recommendations from Our Youth, Our Way — Inquiry into the Over-representation of Aboriginal Children and Young People in Victoria's Youth Justice System by the Koori Youth Justice Taskforce and the Commission for Children and Young People.

Reform and oversight of the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence

DPC continued to coordinate and oversee implementation of the government’s family violence reform agenda including leading the WoVG effort to deliver the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations across the VPS. DPC led the development of the Second Rolling Action Plan 2020–23 and the Family Violence Outcomes Framework Measurement and Monitoring Implementation Strategy, both of which were released in December 2020.

As of 1 February 2021, the functions of DPC’s Family Violence branch moved to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing as a result of MoG changes. DPC continues to provide WoVG coordination and oversight of the family violence reforms.

The implementation of more than two-thirds of the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations of 30 June 2021 demonstrates the progress towards the reform of the family violence system; however, there is more work to do to deliver on desired outcomes and to learn from the progress to date.

Supporting the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor

The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor’s fourth report was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 6 May 2021 and examined progress in the five years since the Royal Commission into Family Violence as well as identifying reform areas that require more effort. The report also detailed key implementation activities over the 12 months to 1 November 2020.

The report findings and areas for future focus were informed by consultations with more than 65 individuals and organisations, materials provided by government implementation agencies and 125 submissions to the Monitor from the family violence and broader community services sector. As part of the 2020/21 Victorian Budget, funding was provided to continue the function of the Monitor’s office until the end of 2022.

Supporting a stronger skills and training system

During 2020–21 DPC provided timely advice to government on key reforms affecting the skills and training system, including supporting its response to the Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy Review.

This work has focused on supporting the Department of Education and Training to establish the Victorian Skills Authority and the Office for TAFE Coordination and Delivery, which will help create a more collaborative VET system and strengthen Victoria’s social and economic recovery from COVID-19.

Providing economic advice on current and future economic challenges and opportunities

In 2020–21 DPC continued to work closely with DTF and other departments to support the government’s economic growth objectives. This included advising on taxation, fiscal strategy, workplace safety, local government, regulation, consumer and gambling policy, and transport policy and infrastructure delivery. DPC also supported the Premier in the annual State Budget process and the implementation of initiatives to reprioritise government spending.

Since the onset of COVID-19, DPC has actively supported Victorian Government departments to identify and develop measures to assist businesses and individuals.

Supporting industry capability, capacity and growth

In 2020–21 DPC supported the Premier and relevant departments to:

  • develop policies and programs to support industry recovery and development, as a key driver of Victoria’s economic performance
  • respond to the economic impacts of COVID-19 and longer-term bushfire and drought impacts
  • position Victoria for longer-term economic growth through targeted policy advice and administration of the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund
  • establish Breakthrough Victoria Pty Ltd as the state’s independent manager of the Breakthrough Victoria Fund. Breakthrough Victoria will drive new Victorian jobs through investments in research commercialisation and innovation.

In 2020–21 the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund was pivotal to economic recovery efforts, securing private sector investments that will create more than 2,500 new Victorian jobs across a range of priority industries in metropolitan and regional locations.

Supporting the rollout of three-year-old kindergarten

During 2020–21 DPC supported government consideration of key workforce, infrastructure and change management approaches to support the Department of Education and Training’s continued implementation of the Victorian Government’s commitment to providing 15 hours of funded kindergarten programs to all three-year-old Victorians by 2029.

Rollout of the reform has progressed according to the public rollout schedule, with the delivery of funded three-year-old kindergarten progressing to 21 regional local government areas in 2021.

Supporting the health system to prepare for a range of COVID-19 scenarios

DPC continues to play a key role in ensuring the Victorian health system is prepared to manage a surge in COVID-19 cases across the state. This year DPC has continued to provide advice to government on the investment and responses needed to respond to COVID-19, including supporting significant investments in critical care beds, ventilators, personal protective equipment and infection prevention and control training to prepare health services for increased demand.

DPC will continue to work with DH to ensure the health system remains strong as we enter Phase B of the national plan to transition to Australia’s National COVID-19 Response.

Leading Victoria’s international engagement

DPC has worked across government to further Victoria’s international engagement objectives by:

  • establishing a centralised model for Victoria’s compliance with Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (Cth)
  • facilitating discussions between the diplomatic community and Victorian representatives, including the Premier, ministers and the Governor, to progress matters of mutual interest
  • collaborating with Asia Society Australia to utilise its expertise and extensive networks to enhance Victoria’s connections to, engagement with and knowledge of Asia.

Supporting delivery of the government’s infrastructure program

In 2020–21 DPC continued its work with the Department of Transport and the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority on many of the major transport projects in construction, including the Level Crossing Removal Project, Metro Tunnel Project, North East Link Project and multiple road upgrades. The government has 165 major road and rail projects being constructed or planned at an investment of $80 billion and the creation of more than 18,000 jobs.

DPC has continued to work across government in supporting the Suburban Rail Loop Authority’s efforts to progress the Suburban Rail Loop project.

Designing and establishing new ways of working with communities

The Behavioural Insights Unit supported departments to understand the likely impact of policies and programs on Victorians’ behaviours in relation to COVID-19. International evidence was also used to support the effective implementation of policies, programs and communications for COVID‑19-related requirements such as mask-wearing and other COVID-19 safe behaviours.

Throughout 2020–21 the Innovation Network continued to support the VPS’ transition to a remote working model. Membership of the Innovation Network grew to more than 20,000 accounts over the year, highlighting the demand for the network’s training materials and events in an online environment. Many of the Innovation Network’s learning materials were translated into ‘on demand’ videos, broadening its reach to staff working remotely across Victoria.

In March 2021 the Innovation Network hosted its third annual Innovation Immersion event, held fully online over three days, with more than 2,340 unique attendees across 21 sessions, delivering 5,750 learning hours. Innovation Immersion is one of the VPS’ largest training events and supports staff to embed innovation methodologies into their everyday work.

CivVic Labs completed its third round during 2020–21. To date, 38 start-ups have worked on solutions to 13 challenges from 15 departments and agencies. In total CivVic Labs has provided $2.7 million in procurement funding to Victorian start-ups, with a 50 per cent jobs growth for start-ups proceeding to the development phase.

Promoting affordable, reliable and secure energy

In 2020–21 DPC supported the Premier, government departments (including the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning [DELWP] and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions) and government entities in delivering government’s energy, resources and environment commitments including:

  • releasing Victoria’s first Climate Change Strategy, including interim emission reduction targets of a 28–33 per cent reduction on 2005 levels by 2025, a 45–50 per cent drop by 2030 and emissions reduction pledges across the economy
  • supporting progress on the $540 million investment in electricity network infrastructure for Victoria’s Renewable Energy Zones
  • delivering the Energy Fairness Plan, which includes penalties of up to $1 million for energy retailers that wrongfully disconnect vulnerable Victorians and will see a ban on door-to-door sales of energy products
  • procuring Australia’s largest battery, the Victorian Big Battery, which is a 300-megawatt battery installed at the Moorabool Terminal Station near Geelong
  • establishing the Great Ocean Road Coasts and Parks Authority to better manage and protect the coast and parks of Victoria’s Great Ocean Road
  • supporting the agriculture sector through the Agriculture Strategy, Agriculture Workforce Plan and securing entry of Pacific workers for Victorian farms
  • establishing Greater Western Water by bringing together Western Water and City West Water to deliver water services to the fast-growing outer-west regions.

Digital systems to support contact tracing

In 2020–21 Digital Victoria coordinated the development of the government’s QR code system, which allows people to check in to workplaces and venues through the Service Victoria mobile app. The system provides DH contact tracers with data to help them identify and then communicate with people who may have come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Service Victoria played an important role in the government’s COVID-19 response, allowing rapid deployment of critical new digital services. The QR check-in service was launched on 13 November 2020 and became mandatory on 28 May 2021. More than 146 million customers used the service to check-in, and the Service Victoria mobile app was downloaded 3.6 million times. The border entry permit service, launched on 21 November 2020, processed 3.3 million applications to enter Victoria, and the travel voucher service issued 160,000 travel vouchers worth $32 million over four rounds starting from 14 December 2020.

Digital public engagement through Engage Victoria

Engage Victoria is the government’s online consultation platform, providing a range of tools to enable the community to readily share their ideas and opinions and to comment on the ideas of others on a range of issues and topics relevant to Victoria. In 2020–21 Engage Victoria conducted 190 consultations across all government departments and eight agencies including Parks Victoria, the Environment Protection Authority and the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority. It received more than 875,000 visitors and 96,000 pieces of feedback on the platform.

Victorians contributed across many important consultations on Engage Victoria including informing Victoria Police service reform, helping design Victoria’s container deposit scheme and shaping critical transport projects for Melbourne Airport Rail and the Suburban Rail Loop.

Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA)

OVGA continued its work to deliver high-quality design principles, processes and outcomes for the government through its involvement in various key initiatives and projects in 2021 including:

  • Future Homes Project — to prepare exemplar designs for apartment buildings in established suburbs.
  • Social housing — leading design quality initiatives to assist Homes Victoria to achieve high-quality, contemporary, affordable and sustainable social housing.
  • Health infrastructure — working with the Victorian Health Building Authority to develop design principles and processes to support delivery of public health, mental health and aged-care infrastructure, including the Mental Health Beds Expansion Program, the new Footscray Hospital and the Frankston Hospital Redevelopment.
  • Transport infrastructure — continued collaboration with the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority on Victoria’s Big Build, including the Level Crossing Removal Project and Metro Tunnel.
  • Precincts — advocacy and advice on integrated precinct development in key locations such as Footscray, Arden and the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation.
  • Design review — OVGA’s Victorian Design Review Panel continued to provide independent and authoritative advice to government through structured design reviews of a wide range of projects from across sectors including social housing, transport infrastructure, health, education, culture, tourism and civic and community buildings.
  • Independent review of the value and benefits of OVGA — OVGA commissioned an independent review of its activities over the 2018–21 period. Stakeholders from government departments and agencies strongly endorsed OVGA’s contribution to improved outcomes in both capital and advocacy or policy projects — 100 per cent of respondents ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ that OVGA services had helped to drive design quality at the strategic or systemic level, while 100 per cent of OVGA stakeholders reported that they were ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to use OVGA’s services again.

Promoting fair and equitable workplaces

In 2020–21 DPC’s Industrial Relations Victoria (IRV) group provided leadership and support on public sector bargaining matters including approving 42 agreements for public sector departments and agencies. IRV successfully completed significant projects for the benefit of workers and workplaces including the response to the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce and establishing the new statutory authority, Wage Inspectorate Victoria.

The ongoing impact of COVID-19 required new initiatives to support Victorian employers and their workforces. IRV has advised government on industrial relations legislative and policy matters during COVID-19, maintaining a framework of protections and arrangements for the public and private sector and participating in cross-department consultations with the private sector to manage the dissemination and implementation of public health directions in workplaces.

Examples of how DPC has promoted fair and equitable workplaces through IRV in 2020–21 are outlined below.

In the private sector, DPC:

  • developed and published the government’s response to the Report of the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce and obtained implementation budget funding
  • developed the Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2021, which made a number of improvements to eight pieces of legislation, together with various Regulations
  • conducted a review of the Child Employment Act 2003 and worked with the Department of Justice and Community Safety to complete a review of the Private Security Act 2004
  • supported the Victorian Government’s policy responses to COVID-19, directed towards supporting workers and businesses in the private sector including support for seasonal workers
  • led the government’s participation in Fair Work Commission cases, including the Annual Wage Review and test cases on award variations for paid COVID-19 leave in the health and community sectors
  • prepared submissions to numerous Australian Government reviews and inquiries and supported ratification of the International Labour Organization’s conventions against sexual harassment and violence at work
  • supported the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council and commissioned research to provide equitable gender pay budgetary initiatives
  • continued to work with the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions to develop the Victorian Fair Jobs Code
  • supported the Transport Industry Council and the Forestry Industry Council, including a review of the Tip Truck Code of Practice.

In the public sector, DPC:

  • began implementing the revised wages policy and the enterprise bargaining framework, which focuses on the Victorian Government’s operational and public sector priorities
  • developed and maintained an Industrial Relations Framework and guidance for managing the effects of COVID-19 in the Victorian public sector
  • developed a support package for public sector employees affected by the further lockdown and restrictions
  • obtained certification of the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement and supported its implementation
  • oversaw the renegotiation of several major enterprise agreements including for Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, V/Line and public sector health professionals
  • developed the Women in Construction Strategy, which supports the attraction, recruitment and retention of women in building and construction
  • provided industrial relations support and advice for the government’s building and infrastructure projects
  • supported the Building Industry Consultative Council
  • provided industrial relations support and advice to the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner on establishing the Gender Equality Act 2020
  • progressed a review of casual and fixed-term employment in the public service.

With Wage Inspectorate Victoria, DPC:

  • established the Inspectorate as a statutory body to enforce the Wage Theft Act 2020 (which came into effect on 1 July 2021) and assumed responsibility for administering the Child Employment Act 2003, the Long Service Leave Act 2018 and the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005.
  • protected the safety and welfare of children working in Victoria by administering child employment laws, including assessing and issuing 5,750 child employment permits and undertaking 171 child employment investigations
  • finalised 117 investigations into breaches of long service leave laws and recovered $420,242 in outstanding long service leave entitlements for employees
  • answered 9,100 long service leave and child employment queries through the Inspectorate’s Information Line and responded to more than 1,600 email queries from the public
  • filed four prosecutions alleging breaches of the Long Service Leave Act and Child Employment Act
  • undertook regulatory responsibilities under the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act.

Progress towards achieving the objective

The output performance measures that provide information on DPC’s progress in achieving the ‘Strong policy outcomes’ strategic objective are outlined below.

Objective indicator: DPC’s policy advice and its support for Cabinet, committee members and the Executive Council are valued and inform decision making

Performance measure





Number of briefs supporting Cabinet and Cabinet committee decision making





Policy services satisfaction rating





Policy services timeliness rating





Objective indicator: The development and effective use of technology supports productivity and competitiveness

Performance measure





Victorian Government entities using the Standard User Experience Framework





Average monthly analysis reports generated to guide government decision making





Average number of monthly visits to




