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The role of FVRICs in the service system

FVRICs are area-based family violence governance structures that provide strategic leadership and drive system development by fostering innovation and building collaboration across sectors to improve pathways to support and ensure the system holds perpetrators to account.

FVRICs play a key strategic leadership role in developing the effectiveness of the family violence service system by strengthening system integration and supporting the implementation of the Victorian Government’s family violence reform agenda.

FVRICs bring together specialist expertise and key stakeholders to identify and implement improvements in local service delivery, and to advocate on relevant policy and program design issues. 

FVRICs strengthen ‘horizontal system integration’ at the local area level by fostering shared understandings and collaboration between a wide range of service providers across sectors and with key stakeholders. As place-based governance arrangements, FVRICs can identify and respond to issues specific to their area, such as geography (e.g. rurality) and demographics (e.g. specific or diverse communities), etc.

FVRICs also strengthen ‘vertical system integration’ by providing a mechanism to ensure that policy development and planning at the state level is informed by intelligence on local service system issues, and insights regarding opportunities and challenges relating to the design and implementation of reform initiatives.     

At the local level, the chair and PSA are delegated to represent the FVRIC. At state level, FVRICs are represented by the Statewide Family Violence Integration Advisory Committee (SFVIAC) which comprises all PSAs. The SFVIAC provides a representative to the Family Violence Reform Advisory Group (FVRAG), associated working groups, and other statewide forums and policy discussions with government and peak bodies.
