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Progress of Action 3.1

Action 3.1: Develop and implement FRV Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy, ICT Roadmap and Target Future Operating Model.

Action objective: FRV ICT services are aligned to business priorities and outcomes which directly support community and firefighter safety.

Lead agency: FRV

Year Two to Five Plan (November 2021) completion dateYear Two to Five Plan (updated May 2023) completion dateAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023
June 2025June 2025In progress – on track


This action requires FRV to develop and implement an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy, ICT Roadmap, and ICT Target Future Operating Model. The ICT Strategy intends to align FRV ICT infrastructure systems across the organisation, supported by an ICT Roadmap to guide FRV ICT Strategy implementation. The ICT Target Future State Operating Model intends to establish business processes and governance arrangements to support the ICT Strategy transition to BAU. 

Progress summary

The ICT Strategy is a critical enabler to support FRV in its broader strategic aspirations to modernise how it works and leverage interconnected knowledge and communication opportunities as it sets the direction for ICT maturity and guides the evolution of ICT systems for FRV. 

To initiate the strategy as at 30 June 2023, FRV had commissioned a review of FRV’s ICT systems at their current state. The review identified capability gaps, inefficiencies, and risks to FRV’s ICT systems, which included: 

  • legacy applications based on old technology such as Firecom 1, led to challenges in accessing ICT support expertise and software upgrades
  • non-aligned data management reduces efficiency and data-sharing capabilities
  • cyber-security applications and operations were immature and posing a business risk
  • FRV’s ICT systems and operating model were siloed, and ICT solutions evolved organically within business units, leading to systems duplication across the organisation and reduced clarity of ICT responsibilities and accountabilities.

To address these challenges, FRV developed a high-level ICT Strategy, an ICT Roadmap and a ICT Target Future State Operating Model, endorsed by FRV ELT in September 2021.

As at 30 June 2023, FRV made progress on foundational elements of the ICT Strategy, such as the commencement of a new Human Resources Information System platform, which will underpin aspects of the ICT Strategy. Activities to procure a Cloud Based Integration Platform were significantly impacted by the December 2022 cyber-attack. 

FSIM observed that the FRV Information and Communication Services Team (ICS) has established an ICT Program Delivery Office to provide governance oversight of FRV’s ICT delivery. Initially, this office was mobilised to support the delivery of FRV’s recovery efforts from the December 2022 cyber-attack. Governance, methods, tools and capabilities developed for the cyber-security attack recovery program will continue to support the delivery of the overall ICT Strategy. 

The ICT Strategy, ICT Roadmap and the ICT Target Future Operating Model are aligned to the FRV Strategy (action 5.3). At the end of the reporting period, FSIM understands that work is ongoing to mitigate any further risks to FRV’s ICT systems. 


FSIM finds action 3.1 is progressing. 
