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Our strategy for Victoria’s veterans

Find out how we plan to support the Victorian veterans now and into the future.

In 2015 a Veterans Sector Study Report highlighted Victorian veterans' priorities.

We're working with the Victorian Veterans Council (VVC) to deliver the priorities.

Visit our Budget web page for information about the 2018 to 2019 budget for veterans.

Government’s response to the report

Recommendation 1

The VVC put in place ways to improve awareness of the VVC brand within the Victorian veterans sector. There will be a particular focus outside of Melbourne.

VVC response

VVC to develop communications strategy to enhance strategic engagement with veterans sector.

Government response

Support the VVC to develop and put in place a communications strategy.

Recommendation 2

Review the Veterans Act 2005 (Vic). Victorian veterans and the sector should be consulted to ensure the Act meets current needs.

VVC response

Victorian Government review the Veterans Act 2005 with the VVC and broader veteran community.

Government response

Review the Veterans Act 2005 and legislation with the VVC and broader veteran community.

Recommendation 3

Organisations partner to reduce barriers faced by veterans to access services.

The partnership should address:

  • services provided
  • barriers veterans face in accessing those services
  • plan to reduce barriers.

VVC response

Government provides information and services for Victorian veterans through a single data platform.

Government response

Ask the VVC to hold roundtable meetings to identify and address barriers to access support.

Investigate an online information portal for Victoria’s veterans.

Recommendation 4

The VVC work with the veterans sector to understand, redefine and promote what a veteran is. This is to challenge the outdated stereotype.

VVC response

Victorian Government continue to promote positive images and messaging about veterans.

Government response

Promote positive messages about veterans to the Victorian community.

Identify and create opportunities for veterans to access leadership programs and support. For example, the Victorian Women’s Governance Diversity Scholarship Program.

Develop a strategy to engage communities in commemorative events. This will focus on Victorian Aboriginal, multicultural and diverse communities.

Extend the Victoria Remembers program to support activities relating to all conflicts. Have a specific focus on younger veterans and recent conflicts.

Recognise the contribution of veterans in Parliament around ANZAC Day.

Explore other commemorative and educational opportunities with the Shrine of Remembrance.

Recommendation 5

Government to improve the transition process by working with service providers, the Department of Veterans Affairs and Australian Defence Force.

VVC response

Government to develop employment programs for ADF personnel.

Government response

Provide information for veterans and families wishing to live in Victoria after their ADF service.

Work with the sector and others to develop a Veterans Employment Strategy.

Recommendation 6

Service organisations should use different communication and engagement channels to reach veterans.

VVC response

Noted and agreed as mentioned in Recommendation 1.

Government response

Support Ex-service Organisations (ESOs) to increase their capability for digital engagement with the veteran community. Outlined in more detail in Recommendation 12.

Recommendation 7

Advocate for improved data collection.

Recommendation 8

The Victorian veteran sector’s work should reflect the demographics of Victorian veterans. For example, the increase in younger veterans.

VVC response for recommendations 7 and 8

Create a whole of Victorian Government approach to developing a veteran data set. Also promote collaboration for state and federal governments to collect data.

Government response for recommendations 7 and 8

Use existing datasets and methods to develop demographic profiles.

A whole-of-government approach to the collection of veterans data for state-based services and programs.

Work with ESOs to collect data on veterans accessing their services.

Look at ways to improve data sharing with the federal government.

Advocate for an ABS Census question on veteran status.

Recommendation 9

Service organisations develop and agree on a plan to meet veteran needs.

VVC response

No further action required by the government at this stage. The government will watch the outcome of the proposed roundtable with key ESO stakeholders.

Government response

The VVC conduct a roundtable/s to help in coordinating and planning support for veterans.

Recommendation 10

Service organisations agree on and action any service gaps through more veteran-specific services.

VVC response

No further action needed by the government at this stage. The government will watch the outcome of the proposed roundtable with key ESO stakeholders.

Government response

Look at the how ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund and Patriotic Funds can better support to veterans.

Consider how government services can address any gaps identified by the VVC roundtable.

Recommendation 11

Service organisations and government look at ways to tie support into existing programs.

VVC response

No further action needed at this stage. The government will watch the outcome of the proposed roundtable with key ESO stakeholders.

Government response

Look at how the ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund and Patriotic Funds can support veterans better.

Consider how government services can address any gaps identified by the VVC roundtable.

Recommendation 12

The VVC look at opportunities to support emerging ESOs. Support delivered through grant programs and coaching.

VVC response

Government, the VVC and veterans look at ways to help ESOs build their capability.

Government response

Upskill ESOs in areas such as governance, modern volunteering and digital engagement.

Recommendation 13

Service organisations develop a map of ESO services and a plan to ensure services can continue if an ESO doesn’t operate in future.

VVC response

No further action needed at this stage. The government will watch the recommendation.

The VVC to provide advice after reviewing the Aspen Report.

Government response

No action required at this stage. The Government to consider future recommendations made by the VVC.

Recommendation 14

Once a service ends, the VVC to help the organisation transfer and store heritage objects.

VVC response

No further action needed by the government. History and Heritage Strategy will be created.

Government response

Develop and deliver Stage 2 of the History and Heritage Strategy framework. The framework is for maintaining and conserving built and unbuilt war heritage.

Help service organisations to end. Assets and memorabilia transferred and preserved for the community.

Hold training sessions for ESOs and other organisations responsible for patriotic funds.


Veterans Sector Study report - 2015 - accessible
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Veterans Sector Study report - 2015
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