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Private sector industrial relations

Providing expert and strategic advice and assistance to Government on private sector industrial relations matters, workplace relations reforms, emerging issues and risks.

Industrial Relations Victoria supports Victorian Government departments and agencies with industrial relations matters.

Its Private Sector Industrial Relations unit:

  • leads Victorian government participation in the development and maintenance of, and reforms to, the national industrial relations system
  • advocates and leads responses and submissions to major industrial relations reviews and inquiries
  • develops policy and implements government programs and responses in areas such as on-demand work and the Gig Worker Support Service
  • develops and monitors legislation on Victorian industrial relations matters, including:
    • long service leave
    • child employment
    • owner drivers
    • labour hire.
  • works closely with regulators including:
  • provides secretariat support to industry councils in the transport and forestry sectors helping owner drivers and forestry contractors run effective businesses
  • promotes gender pay equity initiatives in the private sector through the secretariat to the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council
  • monitors private sector industrial disputes and provides advice to the Minister where matters may significantly affect the public interest.
