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Measuring and reporting on progress

Focusing on results

An outcomes framework sets out the intended end result of this strategy. It is a tool that helps government and the youth and community sectors to have a shared understanding of what we hope to achieve. It is a way of checking whether we are on track to achieve our goals. This framework is not about putting the onus on young people to change.

This strategy sets out eight high-level outcomes (refer to ‘result for young people’ in the headings over the page). These results are interconnected and reflect the social and broader economic and environmental factors needed to improve the futures of young people. The outcomes and indicators are intentionally ambitious and aspirational.

Data helps us understand young people’s experiences

Data can be a powerful tool that helps us understand people’s experiences, attitudes and connections with government and non-government policies and services. We often rely on data to establish baselines, set standards and set goals to keep moving forward. 

In developing this strategy, we found significant data gaps. We found there are few data sources that collect data regularly (for example, yearly) or at the state level. One-off data collection is much more common. Available data is either too broad or too specific and time-based. This limits our ability to gain insights into the continued experiences of particular groups of young people such as LGBTIQ+ young people, multicultural and multifaith young people or young women in contact with the justice system. We also found that available data is often deficit-based, meaning it focuses on harm or poor outcomes, rather than measuring desired outcomes. The current state of our data shows that young people are often missing from the conversation at the systemic level.

This strategy will shift the data we capture so we have a stronger understanding of young people’s experiences. We know that capturing difficult realities is important and should not be underestimated. But we also know that capturing data from a strengths-based perspective can be equally powerful.

A phased outcomes approach over the next five years will allow time to get important baseline measures or expand data sources where needed. It will help track our progress under this strategy.

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