Domain 2: Education, training, learning and employment

Outcomes and indicators to measure progress on achieving our 'Education, training, learning and employment' goals.

Result for young people: I am supported to actively participate in learning, education and training

Goals for young people Measures
My education experiences are more meaningful
  • Average number of absence days from school
  • Proportion of young people engaged in education
  • Proportion of young people who are supported with their learning and development needs
  • Proportion of young people who have positive relationships with their teachers and peers
I have more positive transition pathways
  • Proportion of young people who are participating in further education, training or employment pathway
  • Proportion of young people who have completed higher education and training
I have more independent living skills
  • Proportion of young people who feel confident they have the life skills to enable independent living
  • Proportion of young people who are aware of, and know how to, exercise their rights and responsibilities

Result for young people: I am in meaningful employment and contribute to the economy

Goals for young people Measures
I have more employment, training and development opportunities
  • Proportion of highest training or educational qualification achieved by young people
  • Proportion of young people who successfully secured a job or further training opportunities within 12 months of leaving school or higher education and training
I am in secure, fulfilling and relevant employment
  • Proportion of young people who are unemployed or underemployed
  • Proportion of young people in full-time / part-time / casual employment
  • Proportion of young people who are engaged in full-time education or work (or a combination of both)
  • Proportion of young people who cannot access employment, education or training due to a lack of transport
  • Proportion of young people who report having secure and stable employment (includes experiences of wage theft and/or exploitation, and job satisfaction)
