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Domain 1: Healthy, well, safe and secure

Outcomes and indicators to measure progress on achieving our 'Healthy, well, safe and secure' goals.

Result for young people: I am healthy and well

Goals for young people Measures
My mental wellbeing improves
  • Proportion of young people experiencing psychological distress
  • Rates of self-harm, suicide ideation/completion among young people
  • Young people who have a high level of emotional wellbeing
I have better physical health and engage in more physical activity
  • Number of young people who are reported to be physically active for 60 minutes a day, five days a week
  • Proportion of young people who engage in potentially harmful behaviours (e.g. smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit drugs, unhealthy eating habits, eating disorders) 
I report improved social and emotional wellbeing
  • Proportion of young people who report positive health and wellbeing 
  • Proportion of young people who feel positive about their future

Result for young people: I am safe and live free from harm and abuse

Goals for young people Measures
I am more safe where I live, work, learn, socialise and play
  • Proportion of young people who report feeling safe 
  • Proportion of crimes and offences committed against young people, by type, location and relationship of the young person to the offender
  • Number of child protection investigations leading to a substantiation
  • Number of young people who experience family violence
My relationships are more safe, healthy and respectful
  • Proportion of young people who have offended or reoffended, by offence type 
  • Proportion of young people who understand what constitutes healthy, supportive and safe relationships
  • Proportion of young people who report having safe and healthy relationships 
I am in safe and secure housing
  • Proportion of young people experiencing homelessness
  • Proportion of young people who live in suitable, stable and affordable housing
I have less experiences of discrimination, racism, harassment or vilification
  • Proportion of young people who have reported experiencing some form of discrimination, racism, vilification and harassment (in the last 12 months)
  • Proportion of young people who know where to report (or have reported) an incident of discrimination, racism, vilification or harassment 
