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Case study: Victoria Against Violence

Victoria Against Violence is an annual campaign to raise awareness of and prevent family violence.

The campaign coincides with the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. It starts on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November) and runs until International Human Rights Day (10 December).

Each year, Victoria Against Violence calls on Victorians to challenge the attitudes and behaviours that drive family violence and violence against women and girls. It supports initiatives and events that bring together families, students, workplaces, businesses and community organisations.

What we've done

In 2017 Victorian Against Violence called on the whole Victorian community to take action. 

Put your hand up

Preventing violence is everyone’s responsibility. This year we created a online campaign asking all Victorian to #putyourhandup to end violence. Musicians, sports people and community groups all joined us online to put their hands up. The campaign was viewed over 5.4 million times online.

Go orange

The colour orange is a symbol of a future free from violence against women and girls. We kicked off Victoria Against Violence 2017 at the Colour Run. We used ‘the orange zone’ to raise awareness of family violence prevention. Buildings, workplaces, community groups, sports teams and even Metro trains went orange for a future free from violence.
