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Emergency contacts - Bushfire recovery

Information on first aid, finding loved ones, wellbeing, emergency water and injured wildlife.

First aid

For emergencies where immediate police, fire or ambulance assistance is required, call Triple Zero (000)

VicEmergency is Victoria's primary website for incident information and warnings.

VicEmergency provides information and advice to help people prepare for, respond to and recover from fire and flood. It has a real-time Google Map display with incidents across Victoria including fires, floods, storms, power outages, hazardous material incidents and traffic incidents.

Visit VicEmergency online or download the VicEmergency app via the App Store or Google Play.

Register, find and reunite

Red Cross is urging people to register with Register. Find. Reunite. This service lets people know you are safe. It is also used by emergency services to assist in the safe return of people back to fire impacted areas and to help people access services.

You should register if you are:

  • Currently in East Gippsland or North East including Ovens Valley, King Valley, Mt Buller and Upper Murray area
  • If you have left or been evacuated from East Gippsland or North East areas.
  • If you are a visitor who has left or been evacuated from Eastern Victoria who had to leave behind belongings you should register so we can connect with you to arrange for collection.
  • If you have registered and your contact details or location changes you should contact Register.Find.Reunite.

You can register online at Register.Find.Reunite, by calling 1800 727 077 or by registering at a relief centre.

You can use Register.Find.Reunite to find someone if you have friends or family you are unable to locate.


Call Triple Zero (000) if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.

If you or a loved one need support during this difficult time, visit your GP or call the Victorian Bushfires Case Support Program on 1800 560 760 for more information about the mental support services available in your area.

Here are some other services that are here for you or others you know:

  • LifeLine – 13 HELP (13 43 57) a dedicated support line for people living through bushfire recovery. Talk to a crisis supporter and receive information on services in your local area. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • BeyondBlue information line – phone 1300 224 636 - An information line that offers expert information on depression; how to recognise the signs of depression, how to get help, how to help someone else and how to stay well.
  • Mensline – phone 1300 789 978 - A telephone support, information and referral service, helping men deal with their relationship problems.
  • Nurse-on-Call – phone 1300 60 60 24 - A 24-hour telephone service that allows people to discuss any health-related issue with a registered nurse for the cost of a local call.
  • Parentline Victoria – phone 13 22 89 – Available 8am – midnight, 7 days a week a telephone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old, which offers confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.
  • Kids Help Line - phone 1800 551 800 – A 24-hour telephone service that provides phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Emergency water

Residents in bushfire affected areas who are without drinking and domestic water supply due to tank contamination can contact South East Water who are providing bushfire aid to tank water users in the affected North East Victoria and East Gippsland regions.

Eligible permanent residents in the declared bushfire affected areas of East Gippsland and some parts of the Wellington Shire will be provided a tank water flush and top-up of 5,000 litres.

Anyone seeking emergency water assistance from the bushfire affected areas should contact South East Water on 131 851 or visit the South East Water website.

Injured wildlife

If you find an injured native animal, the best thing you can do to help it is to contact an authorised wildlife shelter – that has the training and facilities to care for the animal. 

It is not recommended that you attempt to catch injured wildlife due to the risk of further injury to wildlife or to you. 

Call the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) on 136 186 for details of wildlife carers or check the DELWP website for local wildlife shelters and carers.

If you have no other option, approach the animal with caution, keep physical interaction to a minimum and immediately take the animal to a vet or to an authorised wildlife shelter for assessment and care. 
