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Central Information Point

The Royal Commission into Family Violence recommended developing the Central Information Point (CIP) to provide timely information to support effective risk assessment and management, in particular for medium and high risk cases.

Initially, the CIP is a team of representatives from key government agencies; Victoria Police, corrections, Risk Assessment and Management Panel (RAMP), Safe Steps, Men’s Referral Service (MRS), courts and DFFH working together to share critical information through a portal about a family violence perpetrator from their respective databases. The collective information is gathered and recorded on a CIP report. The CIP operates from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Initially CIP reports may only be requested by The Orange Door. However, with increased capability and efficiency in the system, it is envisaged that CIP reports will be made available to a broader range of organisations that provide intake into the service system and conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of family violence. Requestors (and recipients) of CIP reports are declared as ‘information sharing entities’ (ISEs) by the relevant Minister.

Practitioners are able to request a CIP report about an individual that they hold a reasonable belief is perpetrating or at risk of perpetrating family violence. This is limited to adults (male or female) who have been referred to The Orange Door directly (as a perpetrator of family violence) and those who are believed to be perpetrating family violence against another individual who has been referred to The Orange Door (including against children).

Prioritisation of CIP requests

The Orange Door prioritises CIP requests based on the following factors:

  • where an initial risk assessment is unable to be completed due to insufficient information (for example, about the perpetrator’s identity and/or location)
  • where there is limited or no information about the perpetrator within The Orange Door and partner agency records
  • where gathering information directly from agencies would pose an unacceptable delay to providing an effective risk management response

Each area prioritises which cases are submitted for CIP requests. The CIP requester can include information in the request to indicate the risk and urgency. Approaches to prioritisation will continue to be reviewed and discussed as CIP request demand increases.

Requesting a CIP report

All practitioners are able to identify potential clients/cases where a CIP report will improve the accuracy and efficacy of risk assessment and management of family violence. All practitioners have access to the CIP request system and are trained in its use, including completion of request forms and understanding the nature and content of CIP reports provided.

Requests to the CIP are prioritised by each area and sent to the CIP. The CIP generates a report that is provided to the practitioner and their team leader. CIP reports can be requested at any time.

Practitioners are not required to inform clients they have requested a CIP report, however, require consent to share any of an adult victim’s information (where this forms part of the CIP request) to assist with searching and gathering information about a perpetrator).

It is expected that practitioners inform their clients who are victims of family violence they have requested a CIP report about the alleged perpetrator, unless it would increase risk or cause unnecessary distress to the client. Practitioners can share information contained within the CIP report with other agencies and professionals, and victims of family violence, in line with appropriate legislation, including the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme legislation.

Receiving CIP reports

Practitioners update the risk assessment and management plan based on the information provided in the CIP report and store the report in the CRM. Practitioners are required to consider what information about a perpetrator they have received from a CIP report should be shared with the victim or other information-sharing entities for the purposes of risk assessment and risk management (in relation to client or other people).

The practitioner who initiated the CIP request maintains responsibility for:

  • updating the request details if needed while the report is being prepared
  • receiving and reviewing the CIP report
  • taking any immediate actions identified upon receiving the report, including alerting any agencies/professionals involved with the case

The Orange Door reviews any CIP reports provided within one business day and they are stored on the CRM.

Practitioners can share information contained within the CIP report with other agencies and professionals, and victims of family violence, in line with appropriate legislation, including the FVIS Scheme.

Practitioners are responsible for reporting any errors contained within the CIP report discovered through their work with clients, to the CIP.

Practitioners are expected to use the CRM platform as the primary communication method with the CIP. Where necessary, practitioners are able to directly contact the CIP email or telephone, to:

  • clarify information provided on the report
  • confirm receipt of the report or any changes to its priority or urgency
  • check expected timeframes for delivering the report

Practitioners may be contacted directly by a CIP Coordinator through email, phone call or by including in the CIP report overview instances where the information being gathered indicates a need for immediate consideration or action by The Orange Door. This includes where they believe urgent action is required by The Orange Door (for example, where contact needs to be made with the victim).

The CIP aims to provide reports to The Orange Door on the day they are requested. However, this depends on the complexity of the case and the number of existing requests. The time taken to compile a report can vary considerably depending on the complexity of the case and the family violence related history of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator.
