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Support for business and Red Tape Unit

Help us identify opportunities to improve regulation and cut red tape.

Better Regulation Victoria (BRV) invites businesses, individuals and not-for-profit organisations in Victoria to help identify opportunities to improve regulation and cut red tape.

BRV is looking for opportunities to:

  • improve regulators' interaction with business and not-for-profit organisations, including compliance and enforcement
  • cut duplicated requirements and regulatory overlap
  • identify "hotspots" for regulatory reform
  • improve the way regulators administer regulations.

Examples may relate to:

  • too much paperwork
  • slow approvals processes
  • requests for unnecessary information
  • multiple regulators requesting the same information 
  • unreasonable rules or processes
  • multiple regulators overseeing the same activity.

Please contact us and let us know of any 'red tape’ issue that you may be experiencing.

All information will be treated confidentially.

Contact us by telephone on 03 7005 9772, or by email at
